14. Jimin

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Jimin was nervously tapping his foot. It was nearly an hour since yoongi and jihoon left with jaehwan for tests. What will happen when yoongi is also not a match. No no he dont want to think about that.

After half an hour jimin was getting impatient. He wanted to know how was it going when he stood up and went towards the door. His hand was on handle when the door was pulled backwards by yoongi causing them to stand face to face with each other. He stilled. He didn't want to know the results.

"Hey they took the tests. We can collect the results day after tomorrow. " Yoongi said to remove awkwardness. But he was met with an other question.

"Where is hoonie. Is he going to be here?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah they were just taking his tests as they have to confirm his condition and suggest medication for time being. Oh hey look they are here." Yoongi replied.

"Hey mommy . Uncle Ken gave me candies. " jihoon said running towards jimin.

Jimin picked his baby boy up and kissed him all over his face which caused jihoon to to giggle. Yoongi smiled looking at the scene unfolding in front of him. This was his family. Wait no. This would have been his life but he rejected it. Thinking this Yoongi's smile was dropped.

Jimin felt the change in Yoongi's behaviour so got worried that may be he is holding Yoongi back from his work as work was always Yoongi's priority no matter what.

"Well then we'll meet here when we pick up the results. I won't keep you any longer. Thanks so much for doing it. I know it must be hard for you but thanks for being considerate. " Jimin fake smiled at Yoongi who instantly recognized it.

"It's nothing jimin really. I'd come whenever you call. So call without hesitation. Now come on I'll give you a ride to your hotel. "Yoongi said.

Jimin was about to refuse when jihoon chirped with his mouth full of candies.

"Yesh Yesh I wana go wif yoonie. I wike yoonie. "

Which caused Yoongi to chuckle. Jimin looked towards Yoongi with a look of astonishment. He really wanted yoongi to accept jihoon and now watching father son all over each other made jimin's heart race.

"No you don't have to drop us. We'll be fine I promise. " jimin tried to deny softly when again his monster of a son replied.

"Yesh yoonie tome. I wan'o go with yoonie. " jihoon said squirming to be let down and then he ran towards front door.

well jihoon didn't leave Yoongi and jimin with a choice other than to follow him out.

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