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"Once we got confirmation that the nylon fibers in the rat's stomach were used in German cars, we ruled out the teacher's car." Hank informs Renard.

"We ran every student registration at the Von Hamelin Institute to see if we could find a match with the fibers." Nick adds.

"I'm guessing half the student body drive German cars." Renard remarks.

"Not necessarily." Isabelle says. "Based on the fibers we were able to narrow our search down to BMW's and Audi's."

"But the style is only used in SUV's." Hank interjects.

"We clicked it down from there to a half dozen students." Nick continues handing Renard a file.

"One of which had a fight with Roddy Geiger — Carter Brimley." Isabelle states.

"He drives a BMW X5, which is a match with the fibers." Nick tells him.

"Get a warrant." Renard orders.

"Yes, sir." Isabelle nods, giving Hank a fist bump as they exit Renard's office. "Crushed it."

"Right." Hank grins.

"Alright, you guys get that warrant. I need to get some ibuprofen in my system before my head explodes." Isabelle retorts.

"Still hungover from last night?" Nick inquires.

"What can I say? I don't do things halfway." Isabelle shrugs. "And that doesn't just apply to my drinking."

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"This is ridiculous! My son had nothing to do with what happened to Dr Lawson." Lawrence presses.

"That's what we're here to find out." Hank replies.

"Then I should call a lawyer." Lawrence sneers.

"Go ahead, Mr Brimley. You still have to open your son's car, willingly or otherwise." Isabelle tells him.

"This is great. This is where my tax money goes." Lawrence groans. "What do you think you're going to find? There's nothing in there."

"We'll just have to wait and see, won't we?" Isabelle responds.

"We got holes." Wu calls as he pulls out a Von Hamelin Institute blanket.

"Bag it." Hank instructs.

"Holes? What does that mean?" Lawrence questions.

"What do we have here?" Nick asks as Wu picks up a small rat pellet with a pair of pliers.

"Not a chocolate chip." Wu muses.

"I'm sure a certain rodent might disagree." Isabelle remarks.

"And the color of the carpeting matches the fibers we've got." Nick states.

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