08 | BEEWARE PT. 2

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"Abandoned paper mill? This doesn't look like home." Hank muses parking his car.

"But it does look like something sketchy's going on." Isabelle counters. "Come on, let's go."

Getting out of the car Isabelle, Hank, and Nick begin to slowly trail Doug.

"Know anything about Primrose Paper?" Nick asks.

"I've heard of it, that's all. Old family business. Been here forever." Hank replies before turning to Isabelle. "Do you really think Doug Shellow and John Coleman know each other?"

"I'm positive." Isabelle answers.

"Let's hope letting them go paid off." Nick remarks.

The three of them enter the building, stepping carefully around the pipes and giant machines. Hiding behind a large tank they spy Doug and John talking with one another.

"I knew it. They do know each other." Isabelle grins turning to Hank. "I told you."

"Hello, conspiracy." Hank smirks, and Isabelle has to do everything she can not to laugh.

"So much for everybody claiming to be strangers." Nick scoffs.

"Woah." Isabelle breathes as a woman joins Doug and John.

"Who is that?" Hank inquires.

"I can't get a good look at her." Nick says when suddenly a swarm of bees flies towards them out of nowhere.

"Oh my god!" Isabelle screams trying to swat them away.

"Run!" Hank yells and they quickly run between the pipelines before reaching a small glass office space. Racing inside they quickly close the doors. "What the hell is going on? Where'd all these bees come from?"

"I don't know and I don't care. I just want them gone!" Isabelle snaps while keeping a tight grip on the door handle as the growing amount of bees causes the room to darken.

"I've never seen so many damn bees in my life!" Hank exclaims when suddenly they slowly start to fly and disappear.

"What the — where'd they go?" Isabelle questions.

"Maybe they're hiding, waiting for us." Hank retorts.

"I don't think bees hide." Nick tells him, slowly opening the door.

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