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Slowly waking up Isabelle can feel an arm laid around her. Once her eyes readjust Isabelle looks over to see Monroe deep asleep next to her. Smiling she gently moves his arm and climbs out of bed.

"Mm." Monroe hums as his eyes open and he gazes over at where Isabelle was standing. "Morning."

"Hey. Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." Isabelle apologizes.

"It's okay. You can wake me up anytime." Monroe pauses. "Oh, I.. uh.. sorry. That's not.. I didn't mean for that to sound creepy."

"Relax. You're okay. I get what you were intending." Isabelle reassures him sitting back on the edge of the bed. "Besides, it was more confident than creepy. And I like when you show that side of yourself."

"Oh, okay." Monroe says, but just as he's about to say something else Isabelle's phone rings and she sighs with annoyance. "Sounds like work's calling."

"Sorry." Isabelle frowns grabbing her phone off her nightstand.

"It's okay. We'll just have more to talk about later." Monroe assures her. "Do you think you'll be free for lunch?"

"I can definitely arrange that." Isabelle smiles before answering the call and putting her phone up to ear. "Alright, Nicky, what do we got this time?"

"Something that may or may not be normal." Nick responds. "I'm hoping it'll be the first one for once."

"Oh, Nick. You truly are the positive cousin." Isabelle comments.

"And you are what?" Nick questions.

"The pretty one, obviously." Isabelle scoffs. "Oh, and the effortlessly cool one. And the funny one. And, well, I would keep going but we've got a dead body waiting for us. And I'd rather not have it sit there rotting."

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"Well, he was shot at close range. There's some powder burns on his clothing." Nick muses as he, Isabelle, Hank, and Wu begin to examine the body.

"That's not all." Isabelle interjects before pointing by the face. "Look, he's got some blood in his mouth."

"Internal bleeding, maybe." Hank shrugs.

"I don't think that's it." Isabelle shakes her head and then watches as Nick grabs a pair of tweezers and pulls a chunk of meat out of the dead guy's mouth. "That would be it."

Beginnings ➣ Monroe [1]Where stories live. Discover now