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"These woods are too big for the three of us — let's get some people out here." Hank suggests as they near the Rabe's household.

"Woah. Look out!" Isabelle exclaims as a group of people on dirt bikes pull out in front of them, revving their engines. "What the hell do these shitheads think they're doing?"

"Hey — nice riding." Nick comments as the three of them get out of the car.

"Oh, I hope we didn't scare you." Barry laughs.

"Oh, no. You guys are lucky you didn't get thumped." Hank remarks.

"Look, we knew what we were doing." Jason reassures them.

"I'd rethink that statement." Isabelle warns flashing her badge at the boys.

"You guys here for my parents?" Barry inquires.

"Detectives Kessler, Burkhardt, and Griffin." Isabelle introduces.

"You're Barry Rabe. You live here, right?" Hank asks before pulling out pictures of Gilda and Rocky. "You guys ever seen either of them? Oh, no. Take your time. Make sure you don't know them from school or anything."

"Look, we've never seen them before." Jason states.

"Boys, dinners ready. Wash up." Julie instructs as she walks out. "What are you doing back here? Did you find out who broke into our house?"

"Yeah, I think so." Nick nods.

"Frank, you should come out here!" Julie calls.

"Ma'am, can you take a look at these?" Hank questions as he hands her the photos.

"The girl's already in custody but we haven't seen the guy yet." Nick informs her.

"Have you ever seen either of them before? Possibly somewhere along the street or in town?" Isabelle inquires.

"No." Frank shakes his head.

"Me either." Julie says.

"Hey, Barry — you didn't happen to come home last night, did you?" Nick asks.

"He was staying at Jason and T.B's house while we were gone." Julie tells them.

"Relax, ma'am. We're just doing our job. We have to ask just in case he saw the boy leave." Isabelle explains.

Beginnings ➣ Monroe [1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora