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"You're never going to believe this. I talked to Sammy, the guy who put on the rave — your perp is DJ Retchid Kat." Wu informs the three detectives.

"Who's DJ Retchid Kat?" Hank asks.

"Well, if I were to take a guess, I'd say he's a mascot for a kids cereal." Isabelle responds.

"Tell me you know." Wu pleads turning to Nick.

"Of course I know. Everybody knows." Nick remarks. "Who's DJ Retchid Kat?"

"Only the most famous raver in Portland." Wu retorts. "Not that men, or women, your age would know what I'm talking about."

"How old do you think I am?" Isabelle questions and crosses her arms as she narrows her eyes at Wu.

"So I talked to Sammy and according to him DJ Retchid Kat always wears a big cat head, and Sammy is the only one who knows who he is — and he swears it is your guy." Wu states changing the subject.

"So his alibi's good." Nick muses.

"But not his dad's." Hank interjects.

"Assuming he did do it, why leave the cages when he knows they would trace right back to him?" Isabelle inquires.

"Which wouldn't be clever unless he wanted us to believe that somebody stole them." Hank counters.

"Then it's clever." Wu says.

"Let Roddy go, hold onto the dad?" Nick suggests.

"Sounds like a plan to me." Isabelle smirks before heading back into the interrogation room where Roddy was being held. "Alright, you're free to go."

"What about my dad?" Roddy asks.

"He will be once we are given a verified alibi." Isabelle replies.

"You know he can't do that." Roddy frowns walking past her,

"Not my problem." Isabelle states and Roddy slams his hands on a nearby desk, storming out of the precinct.

"Pretty excited about being let go." Hank comments. "Come on, Harper called. Dead guy wants to see us."

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