02 | PILOT PT. 2

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"Hey, Nick. You get that translated?" Hank asks referring to the engraving on Hulda's weapon.

"Yeah. It means Reaper of the Grimms." Nick answers.

"Catchy." Isabelle comments.

"That fits buddy Hulda. Wait till you hear what I got on him." Hank pauses briefly. "Hulda was from Boise, Idaho where he worked as an accountant, but his prints came back as Mister Lindon from Chicago. Wanted for assault, rape, and murder. But there's also warrants matching those prints in Florida and Alabama."

"I can't believe this guy tried to attack my mom." Isabelle shakes her head.

"Don't let the comb over fool you, this was a bad guy." Hank remarks.

"Hey, Nick." Wu calls as they walk over to him. "Captain wants to see you."

"What's he want?" Nick inquires.

"Only one way to find out." Isabelle retorts pushing him in the direction of Captain Renard's office. "So, do we know what kind of boot we're looking for?"

"Possibly." Hank says sitting down at his desk. "Based on the plaster cast, if this is the boot we're looking for, this is what we're looking for."

"Not exactly Calvin Klein, but it'll do." Isabelle states looking at the photo that Hank hands her, turning as Nick sits at his desk. "What'd the Captain want?"

"He wants me to see the police psychologist." Nick tells them.

"Well you did shoot someone last night." Isabelle muses when her phone rings. "Detective Isabelle Kessler."

"Miss Kessler, this is Doctor Rose." Doctor Rose informs her. "Do you think you would be able to come in?"

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"She's in a deep coma. There was a sudden spike in the EKG this morning, but I don't have anything definitive to tell you yet." Doctor Rose explains.

"Will she come out of this?" Nick asks.

"Well, all we can do is wait." Doctor Rose replies. "Did you know about the scars?"

"Scars? What scars?" Isabelle questions.

"A lot of them look like knife wounds, they're all over her body." Doctor Rose tells them. "What line of work was she in?"

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