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"Hey Caroline wait up." I heard Callie's voice as I walked to first period.

I started walking faster until she caught up with me.

"Listen I just want to apologize." she said

"For how rude I've been." she said smiling.

"But listen im having a party on Saturday and you should come." She smiled.

"Yeah I'll think about it."

Not sure if I can trust her.

I finished walking to class until I made it to first period.

I took my seat and took out my work and tried to figure out what was on the board.

But all I could think about was what happened. When he slapped me.

"Callie can you give us the answer?" The teacher asked.

"Yes it's 5x-6 is one side and then the other one is 6y- the x value." I said.

"Correct." She said copying what I said on the board.

"Glad I finished it."

It was finally lunch time and I grabbed my lunch box and walked to the table I normally sit at with Jack and Jack and some other friends like AnnaBelle.

"So what about Callie's party on Saturday?" Annabelle asked.

"Who's going?" Gilinsky asked.

"I might." I said taking a bite of my apple.

"Can I come over to your house to he ready?" Annabelle asked.

"Yeah of course." I smiled.
(Skip ahead cause school is boring)

The party starts in about a hour and Annabelle is at my House getting ready and Jacks at Sammys house.

I slipped on my black strapless dress and a pair of black heels and brushed my hair.

Annabelle had on a pink halter dress and her pink heels and she curled her long blonde hair.

I grabbed my little purse and and phone and we headed to my car to go to her house.

When we got to her house there was a strong smell of alcohol and loud music.

Gosh there were a lot of cars here.

We walked in and I headed to the lichen where the little mini bar was.

I grabbed a red solo cup and put a little bit of vodka and coke in it.

I lost Annabelle and I saw Jack G. making his way over to where I was.

"Hey." I said.

"What are you drinking?" He slurred he's obviously has had a couple of drinks.

I keep drinking and then I kinda regret it. But Jack kept drinking and then I woke up. With no clothes on and next to Jack.

jack johnsons sister//jack gilinskyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin