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Right now we are at the airport taking Jack and Jack for them to leave for Digi tour. I don't want them to leave because I don't really have anything else to do. Today was the last day for the cheer thing and I have no friends tbh.

"PLANE 422 LEAVING FOR NEW YORK IS NOW BOARDING AT GATE 42" the loud echoing voice said.

At lease I have Sammy to hang out with.

I have both of them a hug and we left. It was like 2:00 at night now and I was just laying on my bed texting Sammy, and Austin.

Austin's pretty cool but he's 21 and I'm 17 so yeah he's just a friend.

It's so boring no ones home.

Oh wait Cameron's in town with his sister for some convention thing she had to go to.


me: are you up?

Cameron: yeah.

Me: wanna come over?

Cameron: I'll be there in like 10 minutes.

Sorry they are getting kinda bad in trying to do good. Bit school starts Monday and I have to read this really boring boo and I barely have any new clothes so I have to go school shopping just so many things to do sorry.

jack johnsons sister//jack gilinskyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon