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Caroline P.O.V.

We pulled up to the party and I already smelled the alcohol and heard loud music. It won't be that bad if I just have a couple of drinks I guess. We all walked in and I saw Sandra.

"Hey Caroline. Let me get you a drink." she slurred.

"I'm good right now ".I smiled.

I looked around for my brother but he went somewhere. I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned the way they tapped me but they weren't there. I turned the other way and saw Jack G.

"Why do you always do that." I laughed.

"Because you always fall for it." he smiles.

"WERE PLAYING NEVER HAVE I EVER IN THE KITCHEN!" Lindsay yelled over the music.

"Your going to play." Jack said dragging me.

"Finee." I smiled.

I sat around the table and we all had shot glasses in front of us.

"Caroline you start." someone said.

"Uhm Never have I ever lost my virginity." I laugh.

About 10 people took a shot while Rachel poured them. And of course Whitney. The girl who was at Liam's house took a shot. I just laughed.
We continued playing and I ended up taking like 10 shots. We all finished playing and then we played beer pong.

"I'm a pro at this game." I slurred and laughed.

I only had to drink two cups while every one else had to drink like 9.

"Speak of the devil." I laughed as Liam walked up to me.

"Can we talk?" he asked. "Talk." I said. "In private?" he asked pulling me up the stairs in one of the rooms.

"What." I asked plopping on the bed. "I'm sorry for what I did. I wasn't thinking and I was drunk." he said sitting by me. "Listen I'm to drunk to function." I say getting up and walking over to the door. "No." he said grabbing my wrist and turning me towards him. "I love you and I'm nothing without you." he said kissing my neck. "Get off me!" I yelled pushing him away from me. I'm guessing Jack G. heard me because he open the door and stormed up to Liam. He punched him and he was down.

Jack Gilinksy P.O.V.

"Don't touch her if she doesn't want you to." I said punching him in the jaw and kicked him.

Caroline P.O.V.

"I want another drink." I said running down the stair to the kitchen and fixing me a drink. I wonder where my brother is. Eh oh well. "Come here Cara." Jack G. said. I followed him out the the backyard and there were a group of people sitting around in a circle. I sat down by Jack and he had a cigarette I guess. But I didn't look like one. He took a puff and then handed it to me. The part of me that's not drunk says no it's weed don't do it. And the other part of me says do it TURN UP! I listened to the drunk side of me and took a puff. I guess I started getting high because Jack started pulling me. "Come on we need to go.

I wouldn't budge so he just picked me up and took me to his car. I don't really remember anything else but me waking up at Jacks house. (No they didn't do the nasty)


Caroline P.O.V.

Ugh my head is killing me. I rolled over and I saw Jack. He opened one of his eyes and just laughed. "What." I asked. "You were high and you got drunk last night." he laughed. "What?!" I laughed. "I'll be right back". He said disappearing out of his room.coming back with aspirin and water. "Thanks." I say drinking the water and taking the medicine. I got up and walked to his bathroom. "Omg I look like a train wreck." I said fixing my hair and putting it in a bun. "Where's my phone?" I ask. "It's over there. Do you want me to take you home?" he asked. "Yes please." I say grabbing my heels and my phone. He put on a shirt and we walked down the stairs. "My mom and dad are still sleep so shh." he said holding up a finger to his mouth. I did a silent laugh and we got in his car. We pulled up at my house and I opened the door. "Thanks." I smiled kissing his cheek then getting out of the car and walking up to the front door. Crap the key. Luckily we keep a spare key in a secret place. I grabbed it and unlocked the door. I snuck up to my room and threw my phone on my bed.

I slid my clothes off and hopped in my shower. I felt disgusting and dirty. I washed my hair and bathed my body. I hopped out with a towel around my body and walked to my closet. I pulled out some clothes.

Nike pro capri's

Monogram muscle tee

Nike slides

I put my clothes on and just left my hair loose to air dry. I crawled back in my bed and plugged my phone into the wall. I texted my brother to see where he was.

Me: where are you?

Jack: did you check in the room beside you possibly?

Me: no 😑

Jack: maybe you should've. why weren't you here last night?

Me: why did you ditch me?

Jack: because I didn't want to be there.

Me: and you didn't tell me you just left me

Jack: I did. You were probably just to drunk to function

Me: lol

I got out of my bed and jumped on Jacks bed. "hi" I said. He was sitting in the computer as always. "Hey you know how magcon is next week?" he asked. "yeah." I said pulling my hair up into a ponytail with the hairtie that was on my wrist from last night. "We have to leave Friday after school." he said. "Kk are mom and dad at Grandmas house?" "yeah they'll be back later." he said spinning in his chair.

I'm skipping ahead to when they leave for Magcon because school is boring to write about.


I'm still wearing what I wore to school because we had to rush to the airport. I'm so glad it was the last day. We heard the plane board and we took our seats. We have to leave tonight instead of the morning because we have to meet with Bart I think that's his name today. I got the end seat and Jack j. had window and I say by Gilinsky. I leaned my head on Jacks shoulder and feel asleep.

Jack Johnson P.O.V.

I think Jack likes her. I just don't want my little sister ,by 4 minutes, to get hurt by anymore guys. I ended up falling asleep until the lady said we were landing. We all got up and made our way to find the rest of the boys.

Caroline P.O.V.

We got our luggage and found the guy who had a sign that said "Magcon" on it so we can get our limo. Shawn and his girlfriend Sam were already there. I ran up and hugged Shawn and he introduced me to Sam. I never met her but he always talked about he when I texted him. "Your so pretty! I've heard lots of good things about you." I smiled. "Thank you so much." she smiled. We all finally got there and I was talking to Victoria Cameron's sister and Cameron in the limo. We pulled up to the hotel and we were swarmed by fans. I was the last person to get off and Cameron grabbed my hand and pulled me through the crowd. He is honestly perfect. We all got up to the rooms and I was with Victoria, Cameron, and Matt. We all went out for dinner and then we all gathered in one room. We talked and hung out and played some games then we all went to sleep.

This chapter is kinda a filler sorry if it's boring. So I added some new characters like Cameron's sister and Shawn's gf. Please vote and comment thanks. 😘

jack johnsons sister//jack gilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now