Went Thru Hell and Now Im Back Again

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Dr: youre pregnant. Youre having a girl Ms. Browne

Leigh: imma b a auntieeeee. Bout damn time Shia

Me: stfu!!!

Dr: ill just give you two some time

Dr leavin

Me: what the fuck is wrong with u

Leigh: y u not happy

Me: im not supposed to be pregnant. I aint even married yet

Leigh: is it that serious

Me: yesss Leigh, yes it is

Leigh: u should be happy

Me: do i fuckin look happy

Leigh: no


Leigh: what u gon tell Calvin

Me: we goin to the family reunion i guess ill announce it there

Leigh: yea thats a good idea

Dr: is it ok to come in now

Me: yea

Dr: u didnt sound so happy earlier

Me: i kno sorry about that

Dr: have you decided what youre going to do.

Me: yea. Im just going to follow the usual routines && try to keep to keep my daughter healthy.

Dr: Great, Just Fill Out This Form && You Should Be All Set.

Me: Thank You

Dr: Youre Welcome

So We Got Back Home && Calvin Was Sittin There Playin His XBox.

Shia: Well Damn Can U Get Up And Do Somethin.

Calvin: Hey, How U Doin, My Day Was Good.

Shia: Thats Not What I Said

Then I Got mad and sat on the couch

Calvin: Shia, whats wrong u usually dont get mad

Shia: nothing just find somethin to wear to Rahishas wedding

Yep, Rahisha gettin married. She just want money because she a thirsty hoe. Thotisha Dynasty Moss.

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