The Xtra Files

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"Can you explain to me why you here? Nobody gave you any type of keys." I was done with her and her foolishness. "I asked the girl up front of the complex for one. Did you think since we weren't together anymore that I still couldn't be a part of his life?"

"It's nothing I really had to think about, I knew that I wasn't gonna have to worry 'bout you for a while..."

"But you were wrong, once you with somebody, they gonna be part of your life forever-"  Then, realizing the door to his house was open he rushed in and dropped all of his bags, probably thought somebody had robbed him. "Why are you in my house? You need to leave before I have to throw you out."  I could tell he was frustrated. He doesn't usually yell the way that he did unless he was really irritated with something. "I was just trying to see how you were doing without me. But I see you're..."  "He's doing perfectly fine and even better if you weren't always around." I had to cut her off. The less she talked, the easier it was for her to leave without all of the complications and extra arguments.

"Look, you just need to get out of my house..." All of a sudden, sirens flare out from the distance and the sound getting just closer and louder. "What seems to be the problem here?"

"What do you mean?" I had to respond.

"The 911 services got a call from a lady by the name of Kiealah Whitfield. Saying that someone by the name of Shia broke into her house, which she told us of this address."  I knew then she was going to die and I was going to jail for murder. I guess somehow she found out that I aas going to be here to pick up something so she took it upon herself to call the police saying I broke into Calvin's house. AND, had the nerve to lie to the police and tell them it was their house as if they were like livin' together or somethin'. She was lucky Leigh wasn't with me, she woulda knocked some sense into her. Now that I think about it, I should've brought her with me.

"Officer, I can assure you that this is not anywhere near being her house or anywhere near being a problem or incident."  "If its not my house, then why do I have the correct keys? Plus, the house is under my name."  "See, I knew this was going to happen and in my room I have all of the information about the house and who's name its under." So then Calvin showed the police officer the paperwork for the house and nowhere on it did it say 'Kiealah Whitfield', nowhere.

"So Ms. Whitfield, if this isn't your house then how did you get inside?"  I didn't even let her answer, I took it upon myself.

"When I entered the home, I saw her sittin' on the couch and she told me that she asked the lady up front for a key to this house because she couldn't get in the gate."

"Okay, thank you for the information. My partner and I will just head to the front office to get some facts."  This was one of the craziest moments I've experienced that dealt with her. She took it too far this time, Calvin was even reactin' to it. Normally, he sits there like it's just an everyday regular normal thing. So the officers came back and told her that she was banned from being around or coming in the complex, regardless. That definitely meant I would be seeing her a lot less. That was true, the times I went to Calvin's place, I never saw that 2013 Audi A4 again.

T.H.O.T. He Loved YouNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ