Chapter 8: It's No Secret

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Two weeks had past. I found myself growing into a routine. Every morning was the same. Get up, get dressed, get to school. Have either Mr. Daniels or Mr. Archer talk me to sleep for an hour and then hang out with Layla at lunch. Avoid her intrusive questions by asking her about Emilio and then move onto my afternoon classes. I'd ignore Abi and her friends during P.E. and steer clear of them in the change room. Then I'd spend some time with Parker, working on our assignment and keep my eyes and thoughts off Nate in English. Afterwards, I'd head home, make myself something that didn't constitute dinner, get some work done and then head to bed. Lather, rinse and repeat.

Today began as usual. I tearfully parted ways with my bed and headed to the bathroom to stand in the shower and ponder life's unanswered question. Then it was back to my room where I slipped into the uniform, reminiscing about the days when I wasn't constrained to wearing the same pleated shirt and ugly vest every day. Then I made my way downstairs. Mom had already left because last night she actually got in before sunset. On the table sat a fifty and note reminding me that I had to empty out the dishwasher and stop by the store to pick up groceries on the way home. I thew out the note and headed out the door. I'd worry about the dishwasher when I got home.

When I got to school, I locked my bike on the rack and was preparing to head inside when I heard someone call out something that resembled my name. I turned around and standing a few feet away was Abi and Liz. Abi walked her way over to me, Liz following closely behind. Like professional dancers, they moved in unison. It was both impressive and weird. When she was about a meter away she stopped. She gave me a once-over like she was sizing me up to fight and for the first time in a while, I wondered if I was going to have to beat a bitch.

"So, I heard you have some trouble with boundaries," she started, her brown eyes narrowed and her mouth skewed in distaste.

"I don't know what you mean," I replied, keeping my tone even and measured.

"I mean Parker. Why do you think that you can talk to my boyfriend and get away with it?"

I blanched, shocked by the sheer stupidity of her comment.

"Don't look so shocked. Just because I'm not there doesn't mean I don't know what's happening. I have eyes all over campus. Nothing happens without me knowing about it."

Every cell in my body was dying to burst out in laughter but somehow I managed to refrain. If only she knew the truth.

"This is a warning. Talk to him, go near him, hell look in his general direction and I will do everything in my power to make your life a living hell."

I didn't take kindly to her threat but a part of me couldn't help but pity her. Sure, she was a colossal bitch but she was also being deceived by someone she clearly had strong feelings for. Of course I could just tell her and ruin whatever charade of a relationship she had with Parker but I'd made a promise. And since I respected Emilio, I couldn't do him like that.

"We're working on an assignment together for bio. If you have a problem with that, take it up with your boyfriend," I told her.

Then I reached for the handle of the door and pulled it open. I stepped inside, just as I heard her snicker loudly.

"Don't get it twisted hun, you're nothing more than a charity case."

I stopped short, my body went as stiff as board. I could feel a sudden burst of scorching liquid anger seep from my pores and I wanted nothing more than to turn around and smack her so hard she'd take a one way trip back to her marker. Instead, I let out a drawn breath, unclenched and kept moving forward. I made up my mind, I wasn't going to tell her but if it did manage to get out, I wouldn't want to miss her devastated expression.

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