Chapter 6: No Words

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I glanced at my appearance in the small mirror of my locker. My hair was neatly combed into a high bun, with a single braid running from my forehead to the elastic band. I placed a golden dreadlock bead on it and even I had to admit, I looked pretty good.

I stopped admiring my reflection for a moment to reach into my bag to get my phone. As I stepped back and pulled up my instagram, my locker slammed shut. I jumped some twenty feet in the air and narrowly missed dropping my phone.

"Did you know?"

Layla's deadpan expression stared back at me. I rolled my eyes as she smirked.

"Skittish today, are we?"

I shook my head. "I'm not but you shouldn't sneak up on people like that."

"Why? Do you have anything to hide."

Involuntarily, my heart rate sped up. I shook my head vehemently.

"No! Why would you think that?"

Layla raised her hands in surrender. "I'm joking Ciara."

I looked at her for a moment longer and then let loose a heavy sigh. I reopened my locker and grabbed my pencil case.

"So I'm guessing you don't know?"

"About what?"

"The test! Nate told me he overheard Daniels talking about surprising us with one today."

"Alright but it can only be on the material we've covered. It's only on chapter one and two."

Layla shook her head. "Mr. Daniel's tests are notoriously difficult. His questions are impossible. Even Stacey has a hard time with them."

I only had Stacey in two of my classes but from what I gathered, she was the smartest kid at St. Mary's. Not only was she able to answer every question, I heard in the halls that she'd never received a grade lower than 90%.

"Okay, but since it's a pop quiz, maybe he'll go easy on us."

Layla shook her head. "Doubt it, but I love the misguided optimism."

I closed my locker and we stepped further into the hall. As merged into the main hall, I zeroed in on Emilio. He stood next to Parker, Abi and Carrie. It was like he had a sixth sense because as soon as my eyes landed on him, he turned. When he saw me, his smile faded and a crease grew between his brows. He said something to everyone and then began to make his way over.

I dropped my gaze and it was only then I heard Layla's voice.

"Huh?" I asked her.

"You need coffee or some other socially acceptable drug. You're off this morning."

I nodded. "Yeah...Didn't sleep well last night."

"Hey guys," I heard his voice say.

"Would you believe it? Emilio Hernandez, in the flesh. Whatever do we owe for the pleasure?" Layla asked, her voice drenched in sarcasm.

"Ha, very funny. It's nice to see you too Layla. How's your brother?"

"He's fine," Layla snapped.

"Anyways, do you mind if I borrow Ciara for a second? I just want to talk to her."

It was only then that I looked up. Emilio's charm and allure struck me again. Except this time, I knew that it was entirely one sided.

"You mind?" he asked me.

I shook my head. "No but--

And like I figured, the warning bell rung. I waited for it to shut up before I continued.

"...But, I should get to class."

He looked like he wanted to protest but Layla took me by the arm and began to pull me towards our classroom.

"Great talking to you, hope we can do it again soon. Bye!" Layla said over her shoulder.

"I'll see you in history," Emilio called out.

I offered him a small smile before I turned to Layla.

"What was all that?"

She scoffed. "Nothing. Now let's go, Daniels will kill us if we're late."


Layla was right, the test had been brutal. I had read and annotated both chapters and there was at least three question that had me stumped. I was just glad for it to be over. That is, until I stepped out of class.

"You need to come with me," Parker stated.

He took a few steps and then turned to make sure I was following him. The halls were filled with students and we would only have about five minutes to talk. I shook my head.

"Why can't this wait? I have class," I said to him.

"Because it can't."

He walked into the stairwell and climbed up the stairs. Begrudgingly, I followed after him. The further he walked, the longer it would take me to get to class. After a few moments, I stopped. There weren't nearly as many students on the third floor and I figured it wouldn't be a big deal if anyone overheard. After all, it's 2019. Gay is in.

"Parker I need to get to class."

"This is more important."

"Maybe for you but I need to go."

I turned around and began to head back. If I jogged, I could still make it before the bell.


I felt his hand grasp my upper arm and he pulled on me to stop.

"Hear me out," he demanded.

On impulse, I yanked my arm from his grasp and the momentum almost caused me to fall down the stairs. When I regained my footing, I gave him a hard look.

"What the hell is your problem?" I asked.

His eyes narrowed and his body went rigid. "Nothing. I just wanted--

"What?" I interrupted, suddenly pissed. "What did you want?"

He opened his mouth but I huffed mirthlessly. "The only thing you should want is to apologize for standing me up yesterday. I guess I'll be doing this assignment on my own."

He looked at me and his eyes softened. Whatever anger previously existed in his expression melted into guilt. "Fuck," he muttered.

"Yeah," I replied. "Now I'm going to class. You probably should too."

I turned and began to descend the stairs again. I wasn't more than half the flight when the bell rang. I mumbled a few curses and looked up at the ceiling. There goes punctuality.

I picked up my pace and was at the second floor landing when I heard him call out my name. I stopped but didn't turn to look.

"I need to know...are you...?"

I pursed my lips. The thought hadn't crossed my mind but I'm sure it had plagued him since yesterday. I knew that I wouldn't--and couldn't-- for the simple fact that it wasn't any of my business and surely not my secret to tell. But then again, Parker didn't know me at all.


Then, I walked through the doors and jogged my way to History class.

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