#chap65 #chroniclesoflife #Sagas_by_Irvika #sweetlovestory #firstattempt

Start from the beginning

Shruti felt goosebumps all over her skin at the mention. It was one thing to be carried away while in the heat of the moment, but she was yet to open up and be suggestive in general.

Very soon, they reached their destination and disembarked. It was evening already so they quickly changed into shorts and tee went at the beachfront. Shruti and Atharva walked along the coastal line as the distinct whiff of the salty waters hit their nostrils. The spring had made the atmosphere around splendidly beautiful, pleasant enough to enjoy. After a while, they sat on the shore, mesmerised to see the waves lapping at the shore, the sand a soothing shade of gold, so very inviting. They had walked quite a bit, and were more or less secluded; as such, Atharva didn't wander farther, as he wanted to be within the resort's limits.

Shruti mentioned, breaking the silence, "You know what? You have never kissed me publicly."
Atharva looked at her amusingly, as he tapped on her forehead, "I am yet to understand what all goes inside that head."
She responded, "Don't change the topic."
He raised his eyebrows, "So what do you want me to do?"
She goaded him, "Kiss me right here. As such, it's isolated so shouldn't be a problem."

He decided to take her up on that, and titled his head, brushed her lips with his delicately at first, like butterfly wings, just long enough to inhale her breath, to feel her skin. Just as he started withdrawing back, she pulled him for more, not satisfied with the cursory kiss. She ran her fingers through his hair, not willing to part so soon, reveling in the feel of kissing him right there on the beach, under the open sky. It somehow felt so different. He was fast losing his control and pulled her into a closer embrace. He deliberately avoided touching her curves as he knew there would be no going back if he did that. While cupping her face, he took possession of her lips completely, sucking them deep. She gripped his tee as she was fast losing hold on her senses, just like sand slipping from the tight grip of the fingers.

At that very moment, a bird chirped by loudly, startling them. Atharva muttered after a moment, "Don't know whether I should be thankful to that bird or not."
She had gone a deep shade of crimson, taking time to pull herself back.

The golden dusk had started enveloping the twilight sky as the bright colours gave way to the deeper hues of crimson and purple. The sun was preparing to immerse itself into the arms of the sea, the clouds tainted with the hues of the dusk and the first stars emerged out of nowhere.

They silently walked towards the resort when Shruti held his hand, gazed into his eyes and simply said, "Thank you..."
Atharva felt all mushy inside, as he side hugged her and kissed her on her forehead, saying huskily, "Keep the enthusiasm for tonight. Wish to make it the most memorable one."
She couldn't help blushing at the mention and didn't respond verbally.

Announcements were being made about forming a queue for dolphin feeding. They were being instructed on exactly how to hold the fish. Shruti was in a dual mind whether to go for it or not. Atharva teased her, "Arey live fish thodi hai?" She gave him a scathing look and then said, "You know what I mean... I feel as if this fish is eyeing me and blaming me for its untimely demise."
Atharva could barely control himself, trying not to laugh but failed miserably. He tried cajoling her to hold it, but she refused and blackmailed him, "See if you love me, you will hold it for me till it's time to feed."
He countered, "Ye kya baat hui? No logic at all..."

She refused to budge in till the moment the staff instructed each one to hold the fish in the correct manner. Shruti wasn't left with any option and warily held hers, all the time feeling weird about it. However, the excitement of feeding the dolphin overshadowed her apprehensions and she was happy to feed when her turn came, standing knee deep in the water. The dolphin was just too adorable and was happy to be fed, splashing its tail in gratitude. The photographer clicked their pic and soon their turn was over. The experience was one of its own kind which left a smile on her face.

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