Nope. It was just because Yoongi smelled nice that Jungkook wanted to burrow his face deep into his chest and never come out. That was totally the reason why.

"Right," Yoongi said, and he patted Jungkook's bottom lightly, making the now sniffly baby glare harshly at him. "Thank heavens you've only peed. You always seem to leave me a mess for whatever reason," he said.

Jungkook's face turned bright red. Yoongi suddenly looked alarmed.

"Well don't do it now! Honestly, it's as if you can understand what I'm saying!" he panicked, and Jungkook was suddenly very offended. Did Yoongi seriously think Jungkook would ever mess a diaper?!

That just wasn't going to happen. Jungkook didn't care whether he was a baby or not - there was absolutely no way on planet earth he was using a diaper. For...the other way, at least.

When he realised it was a false alarm, Yoongi sighed in relief, wiping faux sweat off his forehead, before grabbing a bottle for Jungkook. He quickly put it in the bottle-warmer, not wasting any time. Jungkook wondered what the rush was.

While the bottle was being prepared, Yoongi took Jungkook into the living room. It was still dark, curtesy of the closed curtains and switched off light. Yoongi just turned on a lamp sat in the corner of the room, the item emitting a dull glow which Jungkook found rather therapeutic.

And then Yoongi got out a mat that had been lying on top of a large cupboard. It was printed with teddies and bows and Jungkook knew exactly what it was for.

As the whimpers began to start, Yoongi shook his head. "No. You need to get changed, and you need to learn to deal with it. Otherwise, you'll get a rash," he muttered, laying Jungkook down on the item.

Jungkook ceased his fussing for a moment. Was Yoongi seriously telling a baby to stop crying because he needed a change?

His hyung was worse at this than he thought.

When Jungkook's onesie was unbuttoned and his legs were freed, Jungkook immediately began to kick, body turning this way and that in an effort to avoid getting the diaper removed from him. Sure, it was damp and uncomfortable, but it was better than the humiliation of letting his hyung, Yoongi especially, see his private parts.

As an adult, they'd all accidentally seen each other naked at least once, but that wasn't as bad, because at least they weren't cleaning each other up! The first time it happened to Jungkook was when he was put under BigHit and Jin had caught him in their bedroom getting changed after a shower. The worst thing about it? Jin just smiled at him and continued to search around his bed for the lost thing he was looking for.

Jungkook had been mortified. He quickly wrapped his towel around his lower half, face bright red, as he waited for Jin to leave. When his hyung had found the charger and looked back up and noticed Jungkook was ashamed, he'd quickly tutted, saying, "nothing I haven't seen before, Jungkookie" before leaving the room as if nothing had happened!

Maybe that's why Jungkook had grown up to be so shameless. After all, according to Army, Jin and the other members had practically raised him.

"I don't get how Appa does this several times a day without wanting to tie your arms and legs together," Yoongi huffed as Jungkook managed to kick his arm. It was only a light, baby kick but Yoongi know if it as bad now, it would be so much worse once Jungkook reached a year. In-fact, not even a year.

On the other hand, Jungkook was seething because he wasn't able to roll over properly. He couldn't even crawl away from the situation. Or hide his face in the soft padded mat beneath him.

Thankfully, Yoongi was able to get Jungkook cleaned up and rediapered just in time for his warm bottle of morning milk. Once everything was put back in place and he'd washed his hands, Yoongi picked his baby up, all ready to feed him.

The TransformationTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon