"You feeling okay?" She asked, sitting next to him, and Frank shrugged. "Doing better. I won't get surgery updates for another few hours, though."

"It'll be okay." Gee said calmly, surprising Frank. They sat there for a moment, before Gee asked, "Did Jamia or Lindsey, um, say anything to you?"

"No," Frank said slowly. "Why?"

"No reason." Gee said, but Frank knew she was lying.

Silence fell upon them. Gee sniffing was the only sound, and when Frank asked if she was okay, she blamed her allergies.

"Can we just talk?" Frank pleaded, hoping he didn't sound needy. "I'm not sure why we're so awkward right now, and I don't want to make you uncomfortable, but I'm really stressed and like, sitting in silence isn't helping – "

Gee kissed him.

It was short and only for a moment, but long enough to shut Frank up. He could tell the moment she pulled away that she regretted it, her eyes filled with guilt as she looked at the ground.

"Gee, I'm sorry." Frank apologized suddenly. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No." Gee shook her head, smiling sadly. "You didn't do anything wrong, Frank. Don't worry."

And then she began talking about music, and artists, and Frank got lost in the world of punk bands as they argued and laughed. Before he knew it the sun was setting, and Gee stretched, closing her eyes. Her shirt pulled tight across her body as she leaned back, and Frank forced himself to look away before he got caught staring. God, she was hot.

"We should probably go back." She said tiredly, getting to her feet and Frank followed. "To my bunk?" He asked, and Gee nodded. "I'm not staying with you, though," She warned, and Frank put his hands up innocently. "I wouldn't dream of doing anything else."

"You definitely would," Gee snorted, before shooting him a sidelong glance. "Was that a pun? You know, sleep, dream – "

"Shut up, it was not," Frank joked, wrapping one arm around her as they walked. Gee stiffed a little under his touch, but didn't pull away.

"Thank you, Gee," He said after a moment, and she looked at him. "For what?"

Frank shrugged. "Just being you."

Gee was silent for a long moment, making Frank become worried. "Is something wrong?"

"It's just – " Gee huffed, moving out of Frank's reach. Frank's arm fell to his side awkwardly, and he gave her the space she wanted as they reached the end of the trail.

"I'm being me, Frank." Gee motioned toward herself. "This is the most me I've ever been. I'm being this because this is me, not – not what I could also be." She sighed, rubbing her face in distress. "You don't get it, do you?"

"Not at all." Frank answered honestly, and Gee shook her head. "Just forget it. I shouldn't have said that, I'm sorry."

They were almost back at Frank's bunk by now, but Frank didn't want her to go. "Wait," Frank said as they reached the door, Gee's hand on the knob.

"There's a lounge behind the stage. It has couches and stuff – "

"I'm not fucking you!" Gee shot, before he could finish, and Frank shushed her. "Jesus Christ, I wasn't asking you to!" He cried. "I was saying we could stay there ­– on separate couches," Frank added loudly when Gee shot him a look. "And be away from everyone else? Please? I really don't want to deal with Ray and Ryan right now."

"Deal with them?" Gee asked. "I thought they were nice."

Frank huffed. "Yeah, they are. But I'd have to pretend to be fine around them, and I don't think I can handle that right now. I just want to act normal, Gee." He pleaded. Gee groaned, muttering, "Boys and their fragile masculinity," As she grabbed his arm, dragging him back away from the door. "Alright, where's the lounge?"

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