Chapter 12

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Hello lads! Twelfth chapter of the story. Enjoy!

Y/N = (Your Name)
L/N = (Last Name)
H/C = (Hair Colour)
H/L = (Hair Length)
F/F = (Favorite Food)
F/D = (Favorite Drink)
E/C = (Eye Colour)
F/C = (Favorite Colour)

Third Person's P.O.V.

Town of Era

After the fight, both Y/N and Dimaria were allowed to go and rest in their rooms. In two days they would find out more about their mission.

Y/N: "That has been a tad bit tiring, not going to lie"

Dimaria: "Yes, but I enjoyed it. It was fun"

Y/N: "So, I'm guessing you'll go to sleep now?"

Dimaria: "Indeed. I'll see you afterwards?"

Y/N: "Sure. What do you want to do?"

Dimaria: "I'll tell you later. Don't want you to get too worked on what we're going to do, would I?"

Y/N: "If you'd tell me I could at least prepare myself for..."

Dimaria had stopped Y/N from talking by placing her index finger on his lips.

Dimaria: "Save your breath for later. Have a nice rest"

Y/N: 'I swear I'll never understand women'

As Y/N entered his room, however, he did not go immediately to sleep.

Y/N: "You know? I think that girl is somewhat related to him"

???: "Are you being serious?!"

Y/N: "Yes. I received a visit from the one I was supposed to have killed before"

???: "That's why you were looking stressed. How come he's still around?"

Y/N: "That, I do not know. From what he told me, he somehow managed to survive and apparently plans on landing me his power"

???: "Sounds kind of suspicious if you ask me"

Y/N: "I know. However he also told me that I'd have to prove myself capable of receiving his abilities. I'm guessing he is going to test me in some ways"

???: "Knowing him it's not going to be a walk in the park. You must be on high alert 24/7"

Y/N: "I have you with me, don't I? Plus, with Dimaria's help I doubt there's anything we won't be able to take care of"

???: "Still, be careful of your surroundings"

Y/N: "Yes, I know! You are starting to sound like my mother!"

???: "Shall I remind you that I was the one who created you?!"

Y/N: "Yes and no. You and I both know where I actually come from. Yes, you were there when I was created and helped me take them all down, but I am no real son of yours"

???: "Remember who you are talking to, young man!"

Y/N: "The only young thing I have is the appearance! And stop treating me like you are my mother! I am getting tired of it! You have never had a child and I am not related to you in any way!"

Y/N saw his bedroom disappear. She was standing there in front of him. Anger couldn't describe the half of what she was feeling. Y/N didn't move. He just looked at her. As she started talking, she hid all of her emotions behind a cold voice.

???: "I perfectly know I am usually related to gruesome stuff. But that didn't stop me from being there with you from the beginning. I saw you as an opportunity to finally raise a child of my own. I knew back then that I had no real experience, but no one has when they start. I know I could have improved in some ways and I tried. You looked happy. I was there to comfort you when things didn't go the way we thought. When she betrayed you I stayed up all night to keep you company and make you feel better. Yet, to your eyes, I am no real mother. I am going to be honest, this hurts more than you could ever imagine. I guess all the efforts I put into helping you become who you are were worthless. Y/N, I apologise. I was never enough for you"

The Unknown Wizard (Fairy Tail x Male Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora