Chapter 7

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Hello lads! Seventh chapter of the story. Enjoy!

Also, thank you so much for the 3.7k+ views. You guys are amazing!

Y/N = (Your Name)
L/N = (Last Name)
H/C = (Hair Colour)
H/L = (Hair Length)
F/F = (Favorite Food)
F/D = (Favorite Drink)
E/C = (Eye Colour)
F/C = (Favorite Colour)

Third Person's P.O.V.

As Y/N woke up from his nap, he seemed a little lost.

Y/N: "Wait, what happened?"

Erza: "Y/N? Oh, thank goodness. Are you okay?"

Y/N: "Yeah, my head hurts a bit. Is everything alright? You look like you've seen a demon"

Erza: "I'm okay. It's just that you began to scream and stir abruptly in your sleep and I was worried. Did you have a nightmare?"

Y/N: "To be completely honest, I don't remember a single thing. The more I think about it, the more my head hurts"

Erza: "I think it would be better for you to stop thinking about it then. We can't have you incapable of fighting Erigor"

Y/N: "Don't worry. This time I'm prepared. It's going to take him a lot more than a cheap shot to beat me"

Erza: "Speaking of which, what did he tell you?"

Y/N: "He reminded me of stuff from my past, back when I was training with him. I thought no one knew about it apart from me but it turns out that I was wrong"

Erza: "Do you want to talk with me regarding what he said?"

Y/N: "Maybe when we'll be back at the guild. For now we must concentrate on defeating Erigor and stopping him from playing the melody, but thank you"

Y/N patted Erza's head. He, however, didn't seem to notice the blush that slowly made its way on the requip mage.

Erza: "Y-you a-are welcome. B-by the way, we must inform the crowd outside!"

Y/N: "Are you okay, Erza? You are stuttering a lot"

Erza: "W-well, I'm just a bit cold. Stop wasting time! Follow me!"

The two mages ran outside and Erza took one of the worker's megaphone in order to talk to the crowd.

Worker: "I-it's you! You're part of those people who forced their way in a little while ago! What's going on inside?!"

Y/N: "You'll find out soon enough. Just listen to her"

Erza: "Anyone who values their must get as far away from this place as possible! Evil wizards have made this station their base! And they have in their hands a magic item that can kill every person in the vicinity! Get as far away from here as you can!"

Silence fell over the crowd gathered outside. Not a single sound was made. No one was moving. They were all paralyzed.

Y/N: "In three, two, one…"

Just as Y/N finished his countdown, people began to scream and run in every possible direction opposite to the station. In less than a minute the entire road had been emptied.

Worker: "H-hey you! Why did you say that?! Are you trying to incite panic?!

Y/N: "We are here to save people. So it's better for them to panic and run away than to stay here and die"

Erza: "You should know that everything I have just said is true. Of course we're going to do everything possible to stop it, but there's always one chance in a thousand that we can't. You'd better evacuate"

The Unknown Wizard (Fairy Tail x Male Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora