Chapter 21: An unexpected date

Start from the beginning

I rose to my tiptoes and kissed his forehead lovingly. This man was simply adorable.

"I'm happy for them Micah, they obviously deserve this. I'll be sure to pay Anna a visit today. Did Frank leave already?" I asked and I could feel Violet puff up. Another member would be joining her pack soon. She'll have someone new to protect.

"The love-sick puppy hightailed it out of here as soon as the Royals left the room. I had to drag him here for the sake of appearances," Micah replied chuckling. Then his mood changed and he glanced down at me smirking,"Speaking of Royals, this treasure hunt wasn't exactly how I pictured our first date."

I laughed and pushed him back, "Oh you'll have to do much better than a treasure hunt to impress me my sweet Alpha."

He growled at me playfully and then suddenly his eyes lit up. A competitive glint entered his pupil and I immediately wanted to know what was on his mind.

"What? What are you thinking?" I asked suspiciously.

"Tell me, Siren, who do you think is going to find the treasure first?" he asked and his wicked smile was definitely turning me on. "Will it be you or me?"

I immediately caught his drift and Violet crouched into a fighting stance, her tail wagging at the challenge, "Why don't we find out darling?"

With that, we grinned challengingly at each other before dashing to our rooms.


All participants were gathered along the border of the east forest. I had changed into pair of white leggings and matching tank top. My hair trailed my back in a single braid and a pair of snow boots encased my feet. Others wore similar outfits but I noticed some males wearing a jacket and tie and some females wearing tight dresses. They were definitely going to be at a disadvantage, especially the one wearing the red dress.

Then I realized it was Natasha.

I resisted the urge to scream before walking towards my Beta pair. She was already complaining about the state of her flats and I could only be grateful she'd had the brain to not wear heels. She was pointing at Ray's legging and tank top attire and clearly scolding him about it. The audacity of this woman.

"Good morning, Natasha," I greeted politely and ignored the grateful look Ray threw at me.

Natasha whirled around and smiled forcefully at me, "Alpha Willow! Good morning!"

"Can I know why my beta female is wearing maxi dress for a treasure hunt in a forest?" I asked pursing my lips. I was past worrying about what Ray might think. He was her mate, but she was my Beta female.

"But- But Alpha Willow!" she whined, "I can't be seen wearing common clothing!"

"Common?" I asked incredulously, "This is standard gym and training attire. Have you undergone a single training session in your old pack?"

"Of course not, I was the princess!" she exclaimed and Ray gave her arm a reassuring squeeze, though his eyes looked pain. The poor bastard was going through this all these days.

"I believe Princess Celeste is over there with her brothers and she has been training since she shifted," I stated, "So if the real princess can find it in herself to train, as is compulsory for protection, why can't a normal Alpha's daughter like you?"

Natasha's face was now red with anger and she openly glared at me. Violet immediately came forward and flashed her teeth and the weak girl stepped into her mate's arms cowering. Violet spoke next.

"I cannot fault you for the teachings of your old pack, but you are part of my pack now," she growled, "And the Moonclaw pack doesn't tolerate disrespect. Nor are we in need of a beta female that cannot protect our pack. This will be the last time you shame my pack's name. So as soon as we return you will be trained. And should you refuse, I will choose a new Beta female and you can continue to be Ray's mate but nothing more." 

She whimpered and sniffled, her head hanging low and Ray looked at me pleadingly.

We'll talk later Ray, I mind-linked him before walking away.

I stormed away to the supply table to chose my weapon. The Queen earlier announced that this would indeed be a serious game. We were allowed to physically hurt each other but not up to the point of death. We were each given a tracking bracelet after we registered and a new piece of information about the artifact was released. Whoever found it, could keep it. And also the object in question emitted a presence. Once you were close to it, you would feel it. This only meant that it was a powerful, because for an object to emit a presence, quite a bit of strength was needed.

My amethyst eyes danced over the selection of weapons when they landed on a set of throwing knives. They were conveniently arranged around a belt  and by tapping the metal, it was confirmed as steel. All the weapons were most likely steel. Silver in this competition would probably cause lasting damage.

I grabbed the belt and tied it around my hips and picked up two hunting daggers and slipped then into my boots. Now I felt ready to face against fellow high ranking wolves.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and  I immediately relaxed into them, smiling as I did, "Yes Micah?"

"You looked a little stressed earlier, not worried about loosing are we?" he chortled nipping my ear and eliciting a harmless growl from me.

"You'll be eating snow soon, Wolfsbane," I commented before getting serious and deciding to confide in him, "And no I was actually stressing about my Beta's mate."

"Natasha Evergreen?" he asked and then seemed to remember something, "Oh I remember her."

My jealousy suddenly flared, "Do explain?"

"Well you run two thirds of the US, while me and Alpha Evergreen run our respective halves of the remaining one third along with half of Canada for me and a part of Mexico for him," he stated and continued explaining, "I visited the Evergreen pack around four to five years ago and that's where I remember her from. She was a huge headache during my one night stay. She offered to give me a tour and then purposely got lost, threw a tantrum at the dinner table and raised her voice at the omegas, kept throwing herself at me, and back then I was still waiting for you. And her parents never said a word against her."

"That's... interesting to know," I commented, not really knowing what to stay. Her case was going to have to wait till we returned back to Moonclaw territory. But if she pissed me off again, I will not be held responsible for my actions.

My thought process was interrupted by the Queen and me and Micah broke off and headed towards the hastily made podium.

"Listen closely wolves," the Queen addressed, glowing in her light blue icicle dress, "The hunt will start with General Kurt's howl," she pointed at a large mahogany brown wolf, "and you will enter the forest. You will be going in basically blind and the challenge is to sense a presence you are not aware of. If anyone is severely harmed, please hit the red button on your tracker. If someone finds the prize, please press the green button. I wish you all good luck and may Selene bless you."

Before anyone could even take a breath, General Kurt's howl cut through the air and the white field fell into chaos.

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