(24) Blaze? Chuck Blaze??

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It was all hazy and I couldn't see properly. My mouth was muffled with a cloth that made my head spin. It probably was chloroform or something.

I was having a great time with Brandon in the park and now we are ambushed. How did they even know that we were here? Maybe we were like sitting ducks here while they watched us. there were about 6 guys and Brandon was trying to fight them. They had dragged me to a corner and I could see Brandon fighting.

Wow. He really can fight.

I was slowly slipping into unconsciousness. I really wanted to punch these guys' teeth out but my body just wouldn't respond. I wanted to move, shout, and fight but nothing happened. I lay there like a heap of dirty clothes. Brandon was taking on three guys at once. Every now and then he would glance at me worriedly and I knew he was trying to come near me but couldn't as he was fighting.

My eyelids were getting heavier and heavier and they were drooping. Brandon elbowed one guy to the ground and used him as a takeoff pad and spun his leg and hit the second man's jaws.

That was a fabulous roundhouse kick and it was so familiar. Roundhouse?

The body movement and shape were all so familiar. It was like the one that made me lose my first match.


I was asleep before I could think any further. I read someone shouting my name but nothing woke me up.


It's cold.

I opened my eyes to see the cold dark floor and my hands were tied and it hurt a lot. As soon as I tried to get up a striking pang of pain surged through my head. My head felt like it was splitting into a million halves and my body ached all over. I set my pain aside and get up anyway. I was in a small, cold room with no ventilation whatsoever and the only way of getting which was the door was shut and probably locked.

I looked around to see that the room was pretty much empty other than a table and a chair. I slowly dragged my self to the legs of the chair and somehow managed to get up. I sat on the chair because my head was still spinning. My eyes were playing tricks on me and I couldn't see properly.  The table was empty. I decide to open the drawer just in case and I turn around so that my tied hands could reach the drawer. I pull the drawer open and it only had a pencil.

What am I going to do with just a pencil and a small one at that?

I take the small pencil in my hands and struggle back to my position where I got up from. The only plan I had in mind was to just stay on the floor as if I was unconscious and see if someone would come and check on me.

These idiots don't even know the basics of kidnapping. Never let the legs be free or else you will regret your decision.

A few hours passed by and my head became clearer and clearer but I was getting colder and colder beacuaseI was lying on the bare ground.

I heard some shuffling outside and my senses got perked but I did not move at all. I could hear voices as they got nearer to the door.

"Are you sure  that you didn't hurt her?"

"Yes, Tony. She's out cold but she is totally fine."

Okay so one of them is named Tony.

"Okay because if you did do something to her, Donnagon is gonna send his son to have our heads."

Send his son? So it is Chuck Blaze after all.

I think my hatred to chuck blaze just shot up even more. Yes, It has definitely increased a ton. He actually dared to kidnap me in broad daylight? At least he should have come personally to escort me rather than send his goons. I think we need to have a rematch and this time I am not going to be the one wincing in pain in the end.

Tony slams open the door and walks in. He comes near me as I kept my eyes shut but could feel him approaching. He kept on nudging at my head to wake me up and after a while, I had to drop the sleeping act and wake up. I woke up as if I had a headache and my body was aching all over, which it was.

"Who are you and what do you want with me? Let me go." I say with an almost glare.

"Look at those eyes will ya? That is not the look that is appropriate for the situation. Kidnapped and tied and yet full of confidence with no signs of fear." He said when he held my chin up to face him.

The door opens again and Chuck walks in with his hands at the back and a smirk on his face. He pushes tony out the way and barks at him "Do not touch her!"

"Hey baby, did you have a good nap?"  He says coming closer and closer to me.

I say nothing and just look somewhere else. He takes a step back and looks at me.

"Who the hell tied her up to a chair? My baby is in pain. Let her loose this instant" she rages at tony. Tony gets a bit shaken and he signals the other guy. The other guy scrambles up to his feet. As soon as he comes near me I let out a ground-shaking sneeze in order to let the pen fall and get hidden under my shoe. Everyone looks startled but says nothing.

As soon as I'm let loose Chuck orders Tony and the other guy to leave us alone. He comes closer, and in a swift move, I grab the pen and slash his face. I  look at the bloody pen in my hands and then his face. He roars angrily while holding his bloody cheek. He gets into a stance for a roundhouse kick and it dawned on me.

This is not Blaze.

Its sure is Chuck Blaze but, It is not the mysterious green-eyed guy called Blaze. Chuck has green eyes too but it's not Blaze. The memory of Brandon fighting and landing a roundhouse kick just before I fainted runs through my mind.

Oh shit.

Blaze is the stage name of Brandon McKnight. He is the mysterious fighter that defeated me. No wonder his posture and style always seemed so familiar and those eyes? How could I have missed the eyes? I've been assuming this whole while Chuck Blaze is Blaze because of the same last name. But wait! I saw chuck removing the mask...

Before I could come up with a conclusion a sharp kick hits me and a fall down wincing in pain. Anger surges in my body as I get up and give Chuck a right hook to the same bloody cheek that he deserves and he hits the wall. I grab him by the collar as he hangs loosely against the wall.

"Are you the underground fighter Blaze?"

"Blaze.... who? what are you even talking about?"

I was right it's not him.

"What were you doing at the arena the other day?"

He kept quiet.

"Spill the beans or do you want a matching cut on the other cheek?" I say while I shake him roughly.

"Okay okay..... I just went there to let some steam out and enjoy some fights. I swear I don't know what you are talking about."

I stare into his eyes for a long second. He was telling the truth. Frustratedly I punch him and run up the stairs leaving behind a fainted Chuck.

 There was a small room upstairs with a kitchen and a small living space. It was like a summer camp house. I scan the room and see Tony and a few people looking at the T.V. They turn around with a jolt as they hear the door slam open. It was like time froze because all of us were staring at each other in confusion.

"You idiots, this is not a staring competition. So, stop staring and catch her!" shouts Tony.

That's my cue.

I make a bee-line for the door and I'm out into the open.

Free at last!

But not really cause I need to lose the people behind me and I have to go meet Brandon and get some answers!


Hey guys! I'm back with another interesting chapter. This chapter was a bit tricky because of the major plot reveal. Hope you liked it and the next one is coming up soon.

What do you think about this chapter? Juicy enough for you? Not?

Lemme know in the comments!!

Until next time,

Avni :P

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2019 ⏰

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