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Kristen's POV

The noises of the insects in the woods which sound far away but near at the same time stop me from sleeping and keep me restless. I carefully sit up and check if Jordan and Brandon were asleep. Reassured of them being asleep I slowly get up.

The voices in the forest were overwhelming and peaceful at the same time. The sounds of crickets and other insects along with a distant bleating were absolutely heart-lifting and one can definitely not forget the starry sky which could be seen through the canopies here and there. If heaven really existed, it existed right here, hidden right under our noses. It just takes a second to notice it but we all pass right through it.

I sit on a rock and close my eyes to indulge in the calming voice of the forest.  

"Is the seat next to you taken?"

I turn around to see Brandon standing in the shadows with his hands in his pocket and his ruffled up yet gorgeous head slightly tilted.

Lord give me mercy....this guy!!

" Yes, it is. By you." I breathe looking at the ground to hide the heat and the redness forming in my cheeks and ears. He slowly walks and sits on the rock next to mine. A sudden silence lingers in the air which is a bit awkward and somehow I find myself to be nervous too.

I say this not only to break the jam but to also set straight my disoriented train of thoughts " I really don't understand what is going on and how you are friends with my brother and how does Chuck know you. I deserve a proper explanation and somebody has to fill me in all the information and details. Right now, I'm just hanging mid-air which does not feel good whatsoever."

"Kristen I know you are confused and searching for answers, but some things are best kept in the dark for the sake of our family and friends." He said looking into the darkness that lies before us like an abyss.

"There are fucking people with GUNS to shoot us dead the instant we come in their line of sight and you won't tell me what's going on? Does that make any sense to you, it sure doesn't make sense to me .'' I stood up and practically started yelling at him.

He also stood up. "Geez. I would but it's not my place to tell you. You can ask Daxton tomorrow about everything that you want, because, I doubt he can dodge you anymore now that the cat is out of the bag."

This is getting difficult now. " How do you meet?"

I stared at him for a long second clearly showing signs of annoyance and then sat down. He also sat down and clasped his hands.

"I'm really happy you didn't get hurt today." He said looking into my eyes. Even though stars were out and lighted up the place, it was still dark yet  I felt that the words he said were full of sincerity. And deep inside the swirls of his green eyes, I saw something full of emotion which instantly raised a fuzzy feeling inside of me.

Tummy, I demand you to stop this weirdness right now.

"I...I- yeah...yeah."

Did I stumble? Roxy stumbled?

I wanted to kick myself. Me being the headstrong person and I am and top of that a top fighter in the arena, How the heck could my words fail and that too towards Brandon?

"Guys? Why are you up in the dead of the night?'' Jordan walked into the small clearing, rubbing his eyes like an infant.

" We couldn't sleep so we were just having a small chat." I said. "Oh, about what?" He said taking a seat next to me and making me the person in the middle.

"n-nothing, just random stuff." I said with an unclear voice, to which I didn't know the reason, I'm pretty sure he has the explanation that I need, it's not like its something personal.

"yeah?" he said yawning and then looking at me for a prolonged second and the next second his head flopped on my shoulder and he immediately went to sleep. Brandon abruptly stood up and left me alone with my crazy thoughts and a sleeping Jordan.

I didn't know what to do with this sleepy head but I didn't want to wake him up even though it was really awkward, but, it was only me who was doing the overthinking cause Jordan is busy sleeping.

I think all I need is a good number of one on ones with all-muscle-no-brain ruffians in the arena which are abundant, to calm my hay-wired thoughts.

--------( time-lapse)---------

I was floating and I was definitely comfortable. The cold breeze made my hair sway and I could feel m eyes opening. I could see two beautiful orbs of green. Sea Green. Absolutely beautiful and then I noticed a nose and a pair of eyebrows that came closer and closer.

" shhh..... It's okay, I'm just carrying you. Sleep now."


A\N -  Howdy-do wattpadians.

I know, I know this chapter is a teeny-tiny bit shorter than the others but, this was a perfect place to end the chapter. The next one will be bigger. Pinky promise!

Until next time,

Avni ;p.

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