(3) Mysterious guy

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My favorite place is the underground arena, the place where I let out all of my frustration and be myself. I am a badass streetfighter.

People call me Roxy here and no one knows my real identity and till now no one has defeated me.

I park my bike and take off my helmet. I make my way inside the arena and checking if my mask and hoodie and covering my face so that no one recognizes me.

The arena is full of sweaty bodies drinking and shouting while watching the match.

I go to the register's office and I register my name for two matches. You get pretty good money from winning.

Next, I head to the dressing room and wait for my name to be called up.

I fight because I know that my brother works very hard to study and work at his part-time place. We live quite comfortably now but I know that it will not last long.

My father was a very famous lawyer and while coming back from a business trip with my mother they died in a car accident. A truck had hit them and the driver was drunk. The driver escaped and no one could find him.

My parents' property and money had been given to us but soon we will run out of money and my brother's part-time doesn't pay him that well.

After 5 minutes they call me and I get in the ring to find a big hefty guy smirking at me. I'm 5'4 considered to be quite small but I know I can pack a punch and teach this fat pig a lesson.

The bell goes off and he waits for me to make a move but I don't do anything I just wait.

"Scared to see me huh little girl. You do not belong here go to your daddy and play with dolls" he said laughing.

This ignited a fired in my soul and I charge at him and punch him in the guts before he could even notice anything.

He falls to the ground and was clutching his stomach to ease the pain. After a few moments, he gets back up anger all over his face.

"What happened big guy can't handle a small girl." I said feeling happy that I wiped the smirk off his face.

He lunges at me to grab me but I was fast and I dodged his hold and jumped and laid a clean kick to his face sending him flying across the ring.

I don't wait for the umpire to announce me as the winner and I make my way to the registering table and collect my money and go to the dressing room to wait for my next match.

I hate guys who think that a girl can't fight especially a short girl. I will take all my chances to shut them up.

I walk to the dressing room and wait for my next match. After about 20 minutes my name was called and I head over to the ring.

A tall guy with a nice body and broad shoulders wearing an all-black outfit waits for me, his face was covered but I could make out his green eyes and that he had absolutely no expression on his face. He seems to be kind of familiar.

I flex my arms and so does he and we start circling each other as the bell goes off. I tried to lay down some punches but he kept on dodging them. I was frustrated, I wanted this to be over soon and wanted to come out victorious.

He suddenly moved towards to take a hit.

Hah! I may look small but I am fast. I dodged it and soon it became close combat.

So, we were both tired and I took this as a chance to study him. I noticed that when he punches he does it fast but takes a little time to recover for the next attack.

I closed in on him and kicked him in his stomach and did a mental hi-five to myself but that happiness did not last long and suddenly out of the blue he laid a clean roundhouse kick on me sending me flying out of the ring.

I was defeated.

I got up and a sharp jolt of pain ran through my ribs making me stagger. I saw a small glint in his eyes as if he was smirking at me.

How dare he? Next time I will beat him to a pulp.

But still, he looked familiar its as if I recognized his body language.
Where have I seen him before?
How do I know him? Does he know me?

I left the arena by 2:15 am and went back home. My right rib was aching like hell. He got me good.

I take a quick shower and put on some comfy pj's and grab some leftover lasagna and plop down on my bed.

I ate my food thinking about today's events. I somehow know him. I won't let him go that easily. He is the first person to defeat me. There is something mysterious about him. But still, that was a good match.

Soon I drift off into a dark dreamless slumber.....

A/N - wassup guys what do you think about this chapter?? I hope you like it and watch out for the next update.

Until then,
B-byeee 😘

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