(10) Doomsday!

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A/N - Heyya guys 220+ readers??!! Wow. Thank you peeps!

Please help me share this story with the guys and gals out there. It helps me stay motivated.

I might even start a brand new story. Maybe of a new genre but guys, the rom-com will stay.

Ok, now enough chit chat let's see what happens next with Kristen.

Ok maybe it's not a wall with green swirls. But, it's a really, really hard chest.

And what's with the green eyes?? Does everyone have green eyes these days??

"Hey bro! I thought you weren't going to come?" I turn around from the wall and see Jordan talking and I turn again to see Brandon looking at me.

More like glaring.

He's wearing a black button-up shirt and jeans with brown boots and oh! I need to tell you black brings out his eyes so freaking much.

"I think I told you to not bring trouble here. Some things better if they don't come under the limelight" he says sending me another cold, hard, icy glare.

I think I feel my blood freezing a bit.

"It's ok Brandon she needs to know. She is one of us now"Katie cuts in.

"Not yet. And won't be. Do whatever you want. Looks like the leader doesn't get respected" he says not taking his eyes off me for even a millisecond.

He turns around swiftly and starts walking into the party place. He halts turns around and says "he's here and I'm not responsible for what you did"

And before walking again he looks at me and I think for a split second his eyes soften as he looks at my dress and walks into the house and I let go of the breath that I didn't know that I was even holding.

What leader? Am I the only one who doesn't understand anything??

After exchanging weird glances we decide to enter the super loud house.


Scratch that. It's more like a castle somewhat like mine. It's huge and totally white.

"It's one of our close friend's den. He's cool. So chill out and have some fun. Jordan says trying to put his arm around my shoulder.

"Umm... yeah..." I say escaping his arm just in the nick of time. I give him a playful wink and I get a not so surprising sour look in return.

Jordan leads me and Katie away from the living room where he loud music resonates from the wall. We enter the humongous kitchen to help ourselves with some grub.

We all pick up a red cup from the counter which is half-filled with the liquid I can't handle very well.

I chug the whole thing down at once and I feel the liquid burning my throat and I see Katie smiling wildly.

"Can't handle your shit, Reed??"

"I'm kinda new to this. I hardly drink alcohol" I say feeling the drink working the wheels in me.

Damn my alcohol incapability.

That's when it suddenly clicks to me. Jordan is not here anymore.

"Where's Jordan??" I ask looking around.

"Umm..he must have gone to greet Damien. The host" she says in a not so sure tone. I notice her eyes darting around and that was something a non-fighter can't notice.

I see Julian emerging in the kitchen. He gives me a small nod and slightly tilts his head towards Katie signaling something and Katie understands almost immediately.

Julian is a person who likes to keep it to himself and is quite reserved. And it's my theory that he talks in sign language.

"I'm gonna empty my pot. I'll be back" Katie says and dashes out.

Great. Just great. Now it's me and Julian only and I don't know what to say.

He picks up a glass and hands it to me and I politely refuse and he nods understandingly.

A few minutes pass by and no one talks and this awkward atmosphere gets even more awkward.

"So.. Katie huh??" I say teasingly.

He snaps his head at me and looks at me with his eyebrows raised.

"I- I don't know what you are talking about. Katie what??" He lies.

"Ju..it's okay. I won't tell anyone. I think you would both look good together" I reason.

He sighs and gives in. "Yeah, it's true. But she is oblivious to it."

Oh no, darling, you're the oblivious chap over here. But it's not my place to tell him.

"Julian, you never know. Life's unpredictable" I say walking to the dance stage.

I Dodge my way through people pigging out and reach the floor.

I start swaying to the now soft music and I close my eyes and try to forget my past for a few minutes.

My parents. The crash. The time that Dax left me home alone.
The nightmares.My loneliness. My defeat. Above all...


I open my eyes and feel someone staring at me. I try to ignore this and keep on dancing faster and faster and when it gets too uncontrollably uncomfortable I turn around to face the nuisance.

The world stops for a moment. I go numb all over. All my nightmares became true and I fall into a dark, endless pit.

There before me stands the familiar blonde with green eyes whom I hate and fear the most looking at me with a venomous glare.

Blaze. Chuck Blaze.

The reason I am into street fighting is him. The reason I became friendless is him. The reason to why I  never took the initiative to make friends is him. The reason why I get disturbing dreams is him. Half of the credit goes to him to why my life was dark. He darkened my already dark life in the past. And now when it was turning to see some colors it's gonna turn dark again. And I'm pretty sure he was the one who defeated me at the arena. He's back.


Could this get any worse?

Ohh boy! Was I wrong or was I wrong?


Somebody shouts my name and I turn to find Dax at the door glaring at Chuck.

What is he doing here? How did he know I was here?

He runs towards me and whips out a gun and points it towards Chuck.

And as cliche it sounds, I am in between two known guys with the cause being unknown to why both of them are here. And the only thing that I know is that some deep shit is about to go down.

Fuck and fuck again!


Hey you!! Tell me what you think down below.

Break your fingers and vote away.

Until next time,
Avni 😘.

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