(23) Rainbows and Sparkles

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I open my eyes to look and feel my head on top of Brandon's chest and his hands on my waist. I scurry back to my feet and I can feel my ears go hot from embarrassment.

"What are--"

"What are--"

We say at the same time.

"You first" I say because I need some time to cook up an excuse.

"Nothing, I was just out for an early morning walk and I didn't want to wake the others up. So I decided to jump the wall. you ?"

No, no,  no, I have nothing to say.

"Yeah, same. Me too... umm yep!" I said scratching my back.

Splendid, just splendid.

I notice his hoodie around his forearm was kind of wet so I instantly pull his arm and touch the area and my thoughts were correct my finger was stained red.

"What happened? Why are you bleeding?"

He slowly withdraws his hand and says "Nothing really, I didn't even feel it. I must have gotten hurt when you jumped me just now." he chuckles.

"Jumped you? That sounds so wrong!" I start running towards with my fist in the air and ready to attack. he just keeps on laughing and walks backward. I was just about to hit him when he catches my hand. I strike with my other and of course, he catches that too. He clasps my hands together and says seriously "Let's go, the sun is almost up."

He let go of my hands and started walking. I said nothing. I couldn't say anything and I just followed him.


"Dax you know why I am here right?"

Dax was looking at some papers. He put them down on the table and got up.

"Yes, I know."

"Listen you cannot stop me. I have decided and nothing can change my mind. Just agree or else..." I just ramble on.

"Agreed." He says with no expression whatsoever.

"You can't just disagree.... wait, what?"

"Yes Kristen, you didn't hear me wrong. I am a hundred percent agreeing with you to join Zen. You have the right to fight for your cause and besides my sister can help me. She's got brains."

I am totally flabbergasted. He agreed. I couldn't control my happiness overflowing and just run to him and give him a hug. He hugs me back and we were laughing like Idiots.

These small happy moments are what I live for.

"But Kristen, listen"


"We don't really know what we are getting ourselves into, so, we can never be too careful."

"What do you mean, Dax?"

"I've asked Brandon to teach you some offense and defense moves and he agreed to it. So you- "

"What the hell? No, Dax its fine. You don't-"

" No Kristen, This is not something you can wiggle your way out of. If you want to join Zen and help us, you have to train or else I won't let you join. Never ever." He said sternly.

Geez. How can I ever tell him that there is a huge possibility that I might be one of the strongest people in Zen?!

"Yes or NO?" He said looking straight into my eyes.

"Ummmm... yes? I mean do I even have a choice?" I couldn't help it.

"Okay! Great!" He said and I could even see his eyes smiling.

The rest of the day went like a blur. We went back home to grab a couple of things because Dax said it was very necessary that we stay low for a while or else we will be tracked. I saw Dax training and working out and I finally get why he is so fit, more than fit actually. It actually made more sense and the puzzles were fitting together. There was no way he could do that while delivering pizza. all of the jobs, meeting with friends, coming home late, tired and bruised was all because of this. He has been working very hard. For me, for everyone else and him too. That's exactly why I cannot keep staying angry with him because he did not tell me something huge because it's not like he has been doing something bad. I can understand him. He is doing something to give him some closure in life just like me and honestly if it was me I would do the same thing. The meaning that the arena holds for me is what Zen is to Dax.


I can't stand him at all. All the thoughts about his awesome eyes and body built all went flying out the window. I really wish I had laser eyes because I want to burn him to the ground as ashes.

"Kristen, eyes on the sandbag!" Brandon shouts.

Right now, I have a disgusted expression on my face that crossed all boundaries of human expression. It is much easier to break to give it your all and train than act as if you are weak like stick who can't even stand properly and land a decent punch on the sandbag when you can actually castrate the bag. Unlearning the stuff you know is like going through hell.

Brandon woke me up when even a tiny ray of the sun was not visible. I wasn't even able to sleep properly with all this confusing revelation and all is going on and now this dude wants me to train. Its a perfect recipe for disaster. After about an hour of trying me to get to punch and kick properly, in which my acting skills were A+, he finally stopped.

"Kristen, I don't think this is working out let's go for a run and work on your stamina. Come on, let's go."

Finally, some that I don't have to act for.

"Yep, let's do this."

We ran around the areas of the warehouse. And it was not fun at all because we both were very athletic and we were competing against each other and I couldn't stop even If I wanted to because he kept on going and no way in hell was I going to stop. And it turned into a mad race.

After a while, we reached a park that was very beautiful but eerily empty and the location was also a bit secluded. We talked for a bit about random things like how I noticed that he touched the nape of his neck when he is nervous or how his first impression was on me and many other things.

It was a very light and fluffy talk. It was nothing serious and I genuinely had fun with him and I could tell that he was having fun too. It was nice to let it loose and relax once in a while. I am sure that after this we will be a little closer as we got to know about each other a bit and honestly, he was not a rigid guy it was just that the circumstances that forced him to hold a stoic expression and behavior. I understood that I am not the only one with such had situations all the members in zen were like that and this fact made me more motivated to work hard. This day sure did start like crap but it got better and better and now I found another person except Dax to whom I can talk to freely.

Oh Boy, I sure was wrong because right now it was all rainbows and sparkles but I was not ready for what was coming to me just after this!


A/N- Hello readers!

What is Kristen talking out? Is something going to happen to her?

Let's wait or the next chapter to find out.

Until next time,

Byeeee ;p                                                                                                                                                                       

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