(8) Pig-face

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Do you know those cliche novels and stuff where you choose the last seat of the class near the window where everything is just fabulous? The birds are singing, the sun is showing its might and light mood-lifting breeze is in your face which makes you live the moment with absolutely no care in the world and makes you enjoy a moment of peace and serenity.

Well, that ain't me folks.

Because right now I am drowned nose deep in assignments and projects which is due mid of next week.

I have no time to even say "whiskers".

Yup, whiskers is the word.

I need to work as if the hellhounds are on my heel and maybe, just maybe I'll be able to complete my work in time and would be able to breathe again.

I hadn't gone to the arena for a while now. A new system had come up of showing your ID cards and matches will be automatically arranged for you and you will be informed beforehand.

My ID card just got dropped off yesterday at my house. Thank goodness Dax wasn't home or else it would have taken an eternity to come up with an excuse.

My photograph looked as if I was the cabbage man in Avatar: The Last Airbender who just got his cart smashed.

(A/N- In the series of Avatar: The Last Airbender there is a very funny character who loves cabbages and owns a cabbage cart, which, one way or the other get destroyed again and again by the protagonists. This particular scene is very famous and absolutely epic.)

So, right now I am sitting in the library trying to finish up as much work as possible and that's when I see Katie walking up to me.

'Heyya reed" she says putting a hand on my table.

"Hi" I say barely looking at her when I was deeply engrossed in books to complete this damn work.

"There is a party at a friend's place day after tomorrow. It would be fun".

"Nope, not gonna happen. Parties ain't my cup of tea" I say still looking at my books and pushing away a stray strand of hair behind my ears.

"Didn't ask you if you were coming or not because you are. If you protest I won't hesitate to drag your sorry ass along with me" she said threatening me.

That shut me up.

"Anyways since you are busy I leave you to your work but,---

Oh no. I hate buts, it always spells bad.

We are going shopping today. Be ready at 4".

Great. Just great.

I hate shopping until the very ends of my hair. I usually just go and pick whatever I like in the layouts. That's it. I don't dig through every cloth aisle to find the perfect attire with the perfect size, color, and pattern. Ughh


Everything rushed by and I didn't even notice it was lunchtime and I head towards my locker with a gigantic pile of books in my hands and I am desperately trying to balance everything because I am too lazy to make rounds to and fro to my books and locker

You should know that sometimes I have the worst luck possible. Just as I am about to reach my locker some random douchebag decides to shove me and run away. So, now I am sprawled on the floor with pain in my you know what.

If this isn't embarrassing then I don't know what it is?

Practically everybody on the hallway is looking at me containing their laugh.

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