he laughed weirdly trying to break the awkward atmosphere.


Qrow and Jade enter Ozpin's office to see everyone standing there looking at the two.

Ozpin: I had a feeling you would come with him.

Jade: hey Winter.

He waved to her and she crossed her arms with an annoyed look on her face.

Winter: I hate you.

Jade: hate is a strong word.

Winter: that's why I used it.

Jade just looks away.

Jade: point taken then...

Qrow: she's just mad you beat her.

Winter: we all know I wasn't trying. That armbar was impressive though. You have a surprising amount of strength.

Jade: well I can light up to twenty tons. But that's more or less when I'm in absolute danger.

Ozpin: the main question. Why are you here, Qrow?

Ironwood: you've been out of contact for weeks. You can't just go dark like that.

Qrow: I'm not one of your special operatives, Jimmy.

Winter: general.

Qrow: was I talking to you?

Winter just shoots a death glare at Qrow but he's not affected by it.

Qrow: you sent me to get intel on our enemy, and I'm telling you our enemy is here.

Glynda: we know that already. Jade's already given us an attack plan for them as well.

Qrow looked at Jade.

Jade: it's hypothetical. They will probably attack and fix the matches in their favor. If I would want to take down an entire kingdom I would want to cause fear to lead in as many Grimm as possible. The Vytal Festivals matches are the perfect place to do it as well. Set up two people that could potentially kill each other like... Pyrrha and Penny, Yes I know about the whole robot thing. If someone could possibly do something to the match Pyrrha could rip her apart and it would be broadcasted across Vale. The most despair and fear you could create was just made and Grimm would pour in like moths to a flame.

Ironwood: it's scary how easily you came up with this.

Jade: that's why I'm fixing matches to keep things like that from happening. My A.I will completely cut broadcasting if something were to happen. Oh, and she's already in Ironwood's ship for extra security.

Ironwood: she's where!

Winter: for how long?!

Jade: oh, she's been there since the Vytal Festival started. How do you think I found about Penny. I actually made one too, she's nonfunctional right now but I could wake her up this bead.

He points to the bead chain on his neck and pointed to the left bead next to the one in the middle.

Jade: her main programing is to destroy Grimm and she works perfectly.

Ironwood: you're... you're terrifying! All of that from simply thinking!

Jade: what? Thinking is something we all do. Some of us are just a little bit more creative.

Qrow: geez kid. Don't turn to the dark side or we'll all be fucked....

Jade: once I figure out who these spies are I'll... lock them up. Even though I can think of a better option... I'll be heading home now.

Jade turns invisible just to scare everyone a bit but he noticed Ozpin's eyes on him the entire time, he does leave though.

Ironwood: that boy and his A.I are unstoppable... he even has silver eyes! If he were a girl and we could make him a Maiden, Salem wouldn't stand a chance!

Winter: Salem?

Ironwood turned around to see Winter staring at him.

Qrow: nice way to drop the ball, Jimmy.

Ironwood: Winter return back to base....

Winter: understood...

She leaves them quickly and quietly.

Qrow: guess what. Your little infiltrator isn't just another pawn though. She's responsible for Autumns condition.

Glynda: what?


Jade was sitting on his bike with his helmet on.

Jade: I gotta figure out who they are! If they somehow do go through with this plan I made Vale stands no chance. Hm, I wonder if they would have a way of hacking into Ironwood's robots. Oh god, I hate my brain!

He floors it and drives straight home.


He entered his home and instantly spoke to Mina.

Jade: there's countermeasures for hacking Ironwood's bots right?!

Mina: no actually. They are only accessible from his ship so his scientist thought there would be no reason to have any.

Jade: well set it up so if anyone tries to turn them against Citizens it would not work. I'm basically asking you to make these bots do one thing and one thing only.

Mina: easy! .....done! Those robots don't respond to the main ship without my permission. I've also added you to the list of people to give them direct commands!

Jade: well that eases my worries. I just gotta keep things in my control. Also, make it so Pyrrha and Penny can't be matched up in the Festival. I'm not having anything horrible happen on my watch!

End of chapter 6 volume 3

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