Chapter 11: The Run Away

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(Swipe for the Song! Listen while you read!⬆️)
Background Music: Mikrokosmos by BTS

Y/n's POV:
Suddenly we heard yelling. "Eric!" It was a female voice. "Is that Yeji?" I quietly asked. "It must be." Eric whispered as he sneakily looked out the window. "How do we get out of this?" I asked him with fear. "Don't worry. We'll get out of this." Eric and I held hands hoping they wouldn't find us. It was quiet for some time. It was already beginning to get brighter. The sun was rising. "Are we safe?" I asked him as he gently opened his eyes. "Let's hurry and go to store, we need to eat." He got up and looked at our surroundings. We left the place and went to a place with variety of foods. We stayed in cover. After we finished eating Eric pulled his phone out. "What are you doing?" I asked him. "We going far away. They'll forget about us and we'll report them." Eric bought plane tickets and I was nervous about it. "Don't be scared. You have me." He hugged me, reassuring I'm not afraid.

As we got into the plane we arrived in America hours later. We went to Eric's friend's place in Los Angeles, California. We stayed there for awhile and Eric already reported Yeji and their people before we arrived. It was quiet for so long, we never heard of Yeji and her people. I was just beginning to think if they have forgotten about us. *Ringing* "Eric? Can you get my phone?" I asked him as I was cooking. "Okay." He grabbed my phone and answered it. "Hello?" He said. "Eric... Can we please talk?" As Eric was in shock he hanged up and ran to me. "Y/n.. it was Yeji." He said to me. "Yeji? I thought they have forgotten about us?" I said as I put the supper on the table. *DING DING* "it's them." Eric said as he held my hand. "Let's just go see what they want?" He said softly. He called her back. "What do you want?" He said with a low tone. "I want to come and apologize." Yeji said on the other side of the phone. "Please just leave us alone. If you apologize, you'd leave us alone." He responded and it was quiet. "May I speak to Y/n..?" Yeji asked. "Face to face.." she continued. "What? Me?" I said softly. "It's okay, I think you should just leave." Eric told her. "Okay, fine. Let me speak to her on the phone." Yeji said as Eric handed me the phone. "I'm right here." He squeezed my hand. "Hello, this is Y/n.." I said calmly. "Y/n.. I wanted to apologize for the disasters that I've costed. I sincerely apologize. I promise to leave you guys alone. I have accepted the fact that Eric doesn't want me in his life. Please, just be good to him for me and for you. Treat him better than I did. I took control over him and that is something I have learned to never do again. Please have hope. I do not want you two to be afraid and I am so sorry for rudely showing up at your door. I may leave now." She ended the call before I could say something. As we looked out, she was already gone. After that day everything was normal. She wasn't around any longer. We were happy, but we just wished we could've said something to her. We tried to call back, but it was disabled.

All we know is, she'll be okay. We'll hope the best for her. As we started a family with a son, and a daughter. We're surprisingly very happy. Although it was quite the story. A crazy story of our lives. "Mommy! What about the guy? The guy who liked you?" I was in shock to hear that question. "In fact, he has probably moved on from there. It has been so long. He must have someone by his side already." I winked at my son. "She is all mine." Eric smiled and hugged all of us.

And that was the story of our life. This Sweetheart Bully was now, The Sweetheart Buddy. Life will take you on an adventurous rides, but being wise is the only way.. you'll learn something different and something more...

The end..

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