Chapter 1: Continious

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(Swipe for the Song! Listen while you read!⬆️)
Background Music: What is Love? - Twice

*Y/n's POV*
We've been married for a year now. Everything has been going great. He makes me feel like the luckiest woman on earth. We loved and cared. Somehow things changed up when one night he came home and ignored me.

I walked over to him. "Honey, are you okay?" I asked him calmly. He didn't answer me. "What's wrong?" I asked him. Nothing. I went over to him. "Baby. Are you feeling-" He spoke interrupting me. "I'm fine. I need to sleep." He grabbed my hands and kissed it as he turned over to the other side of the bed and closed his eyes. He hasn't acted like this ever since we've got married. Maybe today is just a difficult day for him. We still have tomorrow to spend time with each other. I smiled at him and walked out the door, closing it gently behind me.

*The Next Day*
"Good morn-" I looked at my side with him gone. "Eric?!" I shouted as I got out of the bed. "Baby? Where are you?" I said looking around the house. I grabbed my phone and tried to call him. "I'm sorry. The person you are trying to call, is not available at this moment. Leave a message after the beep." *BEEEEP*
"Eric? Where are you? Why didn't you tell me where you were going? Please respond to me as soon as possible. You're worrying me. Please be okay, I love you." I said into the message and ended it. I decided to walk to his company. "Hello? I'm here to visit Eric. Where is he?" I said to the front desk assistants. "Hello, Mrs. Son. He didn't come in for work today. He took off. Are you searching for him?" She said telling me. "Yes, he disappeared without telling me anything. Please give me a call when you see him." I gave her my number and left the building. Where could he be!? I went back to the house and sat in the desk worrying. 30 minutes later I heard the door open. I went to it straight away. "Eric!?" I found out it wasn't just Eric. "Who's this other lady?" I said walking to him. "She's my new assistant. I had a meeting with her, and she's got her new job at my building." He said as he looked at her then at me. "Okay then. So why is she at our house?" I asked him with a concern look. "Ah, she wanted to speak to you, if you wanted to join her at her 'welcome' party." He said chuckling. "Ahhh. Hello, I am Mrs. Son. You can call me Y/N though." I smiled and bowed. "Nice to meet you! I am Hwang Yeji!" She smiled softly at me. "Give me your number and I'll text you." She said to me as I gave her my number. "Thanks!" She smiled and looked at Eric. "I will get going!" She said then looked at me. "I hope you can make it! I'll send you the location later. Bye!" She said smiling and leaving out the door.

Once she left, Eric closed the door. "Honey, why aren't you answering me and my calls?" I asked him with worried eyes. "I was busy. Sorry." He said coming towards me and kissed my forehead. "I am going to rest. You should too." He smiled softly at me and went to the room. "Something is off, but maybe I'm just being paranoid. I need to trust him. Stop jumping into conclusions." I said under my breath and went to the couch to read my books. Couple hours past and I woke up from my nap. "Did I fall asleep? Goodness." I sighed and got up to find Eric gone. "Oh my lord. Where did he go? I really gotta keep an eye on him." I chuckled but concern filled my heart at the same time. I called him but someone else answer. "Hello?" It was a lady's voice. "Who is this? I need to speak to Eric." I told her. "He's asleep. *THUMP* Ahh, I will let him know." She said to me. "What is that?! What's happening!?" I told her as I began to worry. I heard whispers behind the phone. "Hello?" Eric was on the phone this time. "Baby, where did you go? Can you stop worrying me?" I said as tears filled my eyes. "Don't worry, I am fine. Just wait for me at home." He said to me sounding like he didn't care. "Do you even know what tomorrow is?" I said to him hoping he'll remember. "Of cours-" he stuttered. "-e not. What is it?" He said with a sigh. "Nothing. You forgot, it's fine. It is. Don't drink too much if you're drinking. Make sure you drive safely home or have someone drive you home. Stay hydrated, we don't want any accidents. Be aware of your surroundings, so be safe. Last but not least. Please come back home to me as always. I love you." I told him as I covered my mouth and softly cried. He doesn't remember what tomorrow is. It's my birthday.. "Okay, thanks! I may be home late though. I'm kinda busy tomorrow. Go have fun without me. Sorry if I don't remember what tomorrow is. It's just a regular day, isn't it?" He told me without even thinking. "Yeah, just a regular day. A great regular day. Okay. I need to go. Be careful." I told him as I took my phone away by my ear. "W-" I ended the call without even caring about what he was going to say.

Maybe he was forgetting about me already. Maybe my birthday isn't important after all. I wiped my tears. It's fine, it really is. I may be too selfish and he's maybe tired of me. Did he really forget?

To be continued...

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