Chapter 7: I Barely Know Him Now

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(Swipe for the Song! Listen while you read!⬆️)
Background Music: Fake Love By BTS

*Months Later*
I don't know if Eric signed the contract but I haven't seen him in months. I changed my phone number and made new accounts for my social medias. I don't have access to my old ones anymore so he couldn't contact me. I still remember his phone number just in case. We haven't heard from each other but I am doing well. College was coming so I went to go prepare. I didn't go to college the first year I married Eric but now I decided to go. Hopefully I can meet new people. Jimin and I cut ties and we never saw each other again. Well at least I hope we don't. I got my supplies and was ready to study again. As I arrive to the university, many people recognized me. "Oh my gosh!! Is she the model that is on SNS!???" I heard many voices repeating that. Yes, I am the model on SNS. I signed a contract with the most famous agency. 'TigerLuna' Entertainment. "Woah she's so pretty." A guy stared at me as he walked past me. I smiled at the people around me as I made my way to the office with my personal assistant. We got my schedule and I went to my first class. "Welcome to Korea University!" Everyone stood up and bowed to me. "Thank you. Please welcome me to this lovely place. I will like to meet everyone and be friends with you. It is my pleasure." I said with a warm smile and took a seat in the back. The classes began to go on. Suddenly the announcement turned on. "Good morning everyone! I hope you are having a great day and hopefully you are welcoming our new guest that will be planning to stay. We will be achieving more students sooner in the days. Please be welcoming and warm to them. Now that you guys heard me, please work hard and make us proud. You all are strong and unique. Now get back to work and be the Scholar that you are today!" The announcement shut.

The bell ranged and as we made our way to our next class someone started to yell. "ITS HIM!!" They all ran. The other half of the crowd started yelling as well, but not of him but me. "ITS HER!!!" They ran to me with notebooks, paper and pens. "Please sign this for me!!" A girl shouted. "I love you so much!" Another girl yelled. "You're so beautiful!!" A boy yell across the crowd that was around me. "Thank you!" I said to them signing and taking pictures with them. As I look around for space, I pushed through the crowd and saw someone. Someone familiar. ' Son Young Jae.' (Aka Eric) My heart started to beat faster. Nobody knew about our relationship because our fame started after our 'break up'. I turned the other way, hoping he wouldn't recognize me. Thankfully he didn't. I got to my next class, picked a seat and thought. 'Why is here!?? No no no!! I want to leave.' I said thinking in my head and I pulled out my phone to text my assistant. "Mr. Lou? Why is Eric at my university!? I want to leave. This is effecting my health." I sent it to him and thankfully he answered right after. "I didn't know. We cannot switch you out now. You have to wait for a couple months. You can't just not attend the days there. No one will be guarding you at your house and that place is the only safe and private place so far. You will have to deal with it." He replied to my message. I sink down in my seat thinking how worse it could be. "Hello? Are you new?" A girl asked me. I looked at her, I sat straight and smiled at her. "Yes, I am. I am Y/F/N. You are..?" I asked her. "Nice to meet you! I am Son Chaeyoung. I heard you are the beautiful Model?" She asked me with a questioning face.

 I heard you are the beautiful Model?" She asked me with a questioning face

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"Ahh. I am not beautiful, but I am the model." I nervously chuckled. "You are very beautiful! Just like everyone describes you. I think you look prettier in person. Not that you don't look pretty but I think it's better to experience you in person. You know like face to face??" She chuckled and took out her notebook. I never knew people like her existed. She's so pretty and comfortable around me. Like any other, people would attack me because I have fame. She's very warm and good. "You're very nice." I looked at her and smiled. "Can we be friends?" I asked her giving her my phone for her number. "Ahh. I don't usually have friends. I talk to people but I don't have close friends.." she sighed. "Don't worry. I will gain your trust and you will gain mines too. Then we'll be friends." I smiled and as she took my phone and typed her number in.

We had a good conversation and walked to lunch after the class. I forgot all about Eric until we met in the halls. Eye to eye. My body weakened and we stared at each other. I suddenly snapped out of my head and continued walking with Chaeyoung. "Don't mind him. He's just a nobody." She laughed and walked with me to the cafeteria. We sat down and ate our lunch. "Do you know Eric?" I asked her picking my food up with my chopsticks and eating the rice. "Mm. Yeah, I know him.." Chaeyoung looked at me with a curious look. "Why?" She asked. "Nothing. Let's eat." I smiled and continued eating. "Okay." She chuckled and smiled.

I wish I could say I knew him too, but he has changed and I don't know why. I barely know him now.

To be continued...

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