Part 28

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Dedicated to --trevor--

Marco's POV

    "I still can't believe you said that to them! What if they actually did it?!" I cry as Mamman pulls the car into the driveway. She sighs,

    "I highly doubt that they actually did it... Calm down, Marco."

Calm down? Yeah right! What if my poor little brother got defiled while I was away?! I hop out of the car and rushing the house as soon as Mamman parks. The living room is the first place I go, hoping that they will still be there. They aren't, but their shirts are. I let out a strangled squeak scream and dash for the stairs. As I go up them I can feel all the blood drain out of my face. Their pants are on the stairs.

    "Mamman!" I scream.

    "What?" she screams back.

    "I think they actually did it! Their clothes are all over the house!"

She sighs and comes to the base of the stairs.

    "Did you ever think that they could be pulling a prank on your sorry arse?"

I stick my tongue out at her and run the rest of the way up the stairs, barging into Gio's room. Him and Christian are both snuggled up on his bed, sleeping.... But their both completely naked and... I stiffly walk out of the room and into the kitchen, where the rest of the family is.

    "Yeah... They did it." I squeal in a very manly fashion. Mamman sighs again.

    "At least take into consideration that it could be a prank."

    "No..." I squeak, getting more high pitched. "Christian was still... I-inside Gio..."

Mamman drops the pot she was holding and Pappan spits out the... Whatever he was drinking.

    "... Oh."

Pappan clears his throat.

    "Son, you go wake them up. There is no way in hell I'm going up there."

    "I don't want to see that again!" I whine, but head back up the stairs with my head down like a kicked puppy when they path glare at me. At least the twins are enjoying themselves. As soon as I said that Christian was... yeah, they started jumping up and down and squealing. Weirdos. I hesitate before going back into my baby brother's room. Couldn't they have at least done it under the covers or something?

   "U-um..." I stammer. All that happens is they both mumble and Christian wraps his arms tighter around Gio.

    "Wake up!" I try, this time louder. They both blink their eyes open owlishly and stare at me for a moment before turning beet red. Good. I put my first on my hips.

    "You're needed down stairs. Now get out of bed. I'm not leaving until you do."

They both blush darker and look at each other, before Christian pits his hand on Gio's hip and slowly pulls out, causing Gio to moan and fist the sheets. I'm not ashamed to admit that I scream like a little girl and run from the room like I'm running for my life.

Christian's POV

I blush at Marco being stubborn and slowly full out of Gio. He moans loudly and grips the sheets, pushing back into me a little. God, now I'm hard again. I think that Marco just ran, screaming, out of the room. Good riddance. Gio turns to face me and kisses my jaw.


I nod and kiss his lips before carrying him to the shower.

*warning, more naughties*

Once on the shower, I turn the water to warm then grab the soap, grinning evily at my baby boy. He gulps. Pinning him up against the shower wall, I begin running the bat of soap all over his body. I run it over his nips and he moans loudly, gripping my shoulders. I drop the bar of soap and grab his thighs, so he can wrap them around me, with the wall behind him holding him up. We both moan when our Jrs touch. He rocks his hips against mine and I groan. Attacking his neck with my lips. It doesn't take long before I find myself buried inside him again, my name on his lips like a chant. I've never been happier. Once we both cum, I wash us up and dry us, then we head down stairs.

*naughtiness over :(*

Everyone, save the twins, is blushing like mad. Oh. We're we really that loud? I can't help but grin and wrap my arms around my Gio. Dinner is a little awkward, especially with Nicola and Nicolo constantly shooting off questions about boy on boy sex. Some of those, no, all of those questions should just never come out of ten year olds... But all in all, things turned out well. Everyone is happy. Gio is away from that bastard Mason, I got him as my boyfriend and Mr. Sergio, Mrs. Rosa and Marco all accept us. Things couldn't be better. Life is good.


I think this chapter is longer... I hope it is... There will only be one more chapter, and epilogue sorta thing. I know, sad face. But there will hopefully be a sequel. Of course, everything will be put on hold for the month of November, but whatever I right for nanowrimo will be posted, probably a part a day, in December. And it'll be waay longer than this. Speaking of nanowrimo, if anyone has any prompts that they wanna give me, I still have no clue what u want to write about... So prompts would be nice! Anyways... Until next time, my pretties! Don't not comment and vote and all that because the story is almost at its end... I'm gonna cry... But speaking of it being at its end... My OCD is acting up with the face that it's 29 chapters long. That's not an even num- I made being that person on the phone who keeps talking after that say good bye. This is a really long an- bye.

DManga out~~

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