Part 23

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Dedicated to LeonKennedy123

Christian's POV

Slaine and Lala left last night, before Marco and I went to bed. I hated having to leave little Gio alone in his room all night, but Marco would have thought it strange if I had kept checking in on him. I wake up to notice that Marco is still asleep, so I immediately get up and run into Gio's room. As soon as I open the door, he launches himself into my arms, sobbing. I wrap my arms around him and hold him close until he calms down. When he does I ask as gently as possible,

    "What's wrong, sweetie? What happened?"

He looks up at me, his brilliant green eyes glittering with tears and I  suddenly find my heart in my throat.

    "I broke up with him... I broke up with Mason."

I smile down at him and gently squeeze him.

    "That's great, sweetie! Why are you crying?"

He sniffles.

    "I'm scared that he might hurt the twins or something..."


    "Oh, sweetie. I promise that nothing bad will happen to them, ok?"

He looks up at me sweetly.

    "You promise?"

I nod, knowing that I'll do anything possible to keep him from crying ever again.

    "I promise."

   "Hey Christian," Mrs. Rosa says. "Marco, the twins, Sergio and I are going to six flags. Do you want to come?"

I grin.

    "Heck yeah I'll come! But why isn't Gio coming?"

She frowns.

    "He said that he isn't feeling well..."

I sigh. Figures.

     "Well anyways, I'll ride my motorcycle, since yours don't have enough seats. When are we leaving?" Ah my motorcycle, my baby.

She smiles at the dreamy look on my face at the thought of riding my baby.

    "In about ten minutes."

So ten minutes later they all pile into Mrs. Rosa's car and I'm following them to the theme park on my bike. Once there, Mr. Sergio, Mrs. Rosa and the twins go one way while Marco and I go another. We spend about four hours at the theme park, doing everything we can, before Mrs. Rosa calls Marco and tells him that it's time to go home since it's beginning to get dark. I end up ahead of them some how, to the point where I get back to the house about fifteen minutes before they will. Oh well, I have a spare key. When I open the front door, my blood runs cold. The only sound to be heard is that of Gio's screams of terror and fear. I run up to his room as fast as I can with out tripping on the stairs, not even shutting the front door. I slam into his room to see Mason on top of him, raping the hell out of him. There is blood everywhere, and by the looks of it, Mason is actually trying to kill Gio. Without thinking, I grab Mason by the collar of his shirt and rip him off of my Gio, slamming him into Gio's closet, shutting the door hard in his face and locking the door shut by jamming Gio's desk chair under the handle. I wish I could do to him what he has done to my cute little Gio, but I have more important things to deal with. I Rush to Gio and pull him into my arms, getting blood all over myself, but I don't care. He whimpers. Shit. It looks like he even has broken bones and he's bleeding alot. Shit shit shit shit shit. I fish out my phone, careful not to jostle him and dial 911.

    "Hello? How can I help you?" a calm voice asks.

    "I just cam home to see my friend being beaten and raped almost to death!" I half scream into the receiver. "I locked the guy who was... Doing it... in the closet and I think that my friend is really hurt..." I trail off into a whimper at the end.

    "Ok, tell me the address and the police and an ambulance will be on their way." The lady says, her voice taking on a much more serious tone. I tell her the address and she tells me to try to stop the bleeding and just hold on until they get here. She makes me stay on the phone with her to make sure I stay calm, and I sure as heck don't mind. I've never been this scared in my whole life. It only takes the police and ambulance a few minutes to get to the house, but it feels like forever and Gio has lost conscious. Two police officers storm into the room, followed by paramedics. The police beeline for the closet, where the sounds of Mason screaming curses and banging on the door can be heard. The paramedics take Gio from me, which makes me uncomfortable, but I know that they can help him and I can't. They put him on a stretcher and quickly start taking him back downstairs. They looked so panicked... Oh god... Please let him be alright... The police handcuff Mason and drag him, kicking and screaming after the paramedics. I follow them and exit the house in time to see the ambulance take off, the police drag Mason to their car and shove him in and Mr. Sergio pull into the driveway. I run up to the car and slam my hand of the part between the windshield and driver's side window, most likely leaving a blood smear on the car, as Mr. Sergio rolls down his window.

     "Follow me to the hospital." is all I say before jumping into my bike and taking off after the ambulance, probably breaking every traffic lay in existence as I do so.


Well, that was... I... Yeah. Um, I had this scene planned from the time I first started writing this, but that didn't make it any more pleasant to write. Stay tuned, next chapter starts in Marco's POV! Yep. Vote, COMMENT, read, fan follow. Power Ranger power. If anyone actually reads these, leave a smile face after your comment.

DManga out~~

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