Part 22

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Gio's POV

I take a deep breath before I walk into Mason's house. I can just walk in because he's expecting me. Walking through the empty house I go strait to his room, where he's waiting for me. He gets up from his bed, where he was sitting, and stomps over to me, bringing his hand across my face hard enough to make my head snap to the side. Teats fill my eyes, but I know better than to cry. I should just lock everything up inside. I should just stop feeling at all.

    "What the hell took you so long?!" He screams at me and slaps me again. I know that I'll have a hand shaped bruise on my face by the time I leave. This is the first time he's ever left a mark on my face... "I've been waiting for almost fifteen minutes!!"

I don't bother to respond to him. He isn't expecting a response and no matter what I say, it'll just make him more angry, anyways. I hate this so much! He punches me in the stomach and knees me in the face when I bend over from the pain. I think he just busted my lip. I can't help but let the tears fall. This is just like when the abuse started. It wasn't so bad at first, his punches didn't even hurt, but it got progressively worse. I guess this is just another step up... I crumple to the ground only to have him start attacking in me with kicks. I swear I hear something crack. He must be wearing his steel toed boots again. Once he's satisfied with kicking me, he picks me up by my hair like I'm a ragdoll. I'm totally limp. I can't move, cry or even make a sound. He throws me onto his bed and goes into his closet, coming out with a box. At the sight of the box, my body masters up the energy to whimper, which just make him grin sadisticaly. He put the box onto the bed next to me and reaches into it. First out comes a pair of handcuffs, which he used to handcuff my wrist to the head board of his bed. Next out is a wicked looking knife with a serated edge that he used to cut my shirt off, not being very careful not to cut my chest too. Then out comes a real cattle prod, then a whip, after those I can't even remember what happened. All I remember is the searing pain all over my body. I wonder  what happened to make his so mad? He isn't like what you would think, he doesn't talk like the cliche people in books or movies do while he rapes me, no, he keeps quiet. Not giving me anything at all that I could possibly use again him or something. If he does talk, it's only to spit insults at me. Finally, after God knows how long, he finishes up with me. If I could I would just lay there forever, but if I do, he would probably take that as an invitation to keep going. So, once he removes the handcuffs, I get up, grab one of my spare shirts I keep here for occasions like this, and head to the door. He follows me, so I pause I  the doorway of the front door.

    "Mason," I say without even looking back at him. "This is it. I'm breaking up with you. Don't expect me to ever come near you again." I shut the door and start hobbling down the sidewalk as fast as my battered body can before he gets the chance to respond. The walk home is excruciating, but what else could I expect? When I get home I go strait to my room and end up curled up on the floor at the foot of my bed sobbing. What for, I don't know. Maybe for fear of what Mason will do, maybe because I'm relieved that I finally broke up with him, maybe out of nervousness for what Mamman or Pappan or Marco would do if they found out about the abuse. Some time Christian come into my room and pulls me into his lap, comforting me. I guess on good thing came out of all of this, I got to fall asleep in Christian's arms.


Sorry for waiting so long to update!! I left my phone at my dojo... Anyways, what did yall think of the chapter? Read, vote, comment, fan, follow, I lub yah.

DManga out~~

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