Part 4

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Gio's POV

That was... Awkward... for lack of a better word. Why in the world Christian wanted me to go and actually spend almost quality time with my family, I'll probably never know. I can't believe that I actually one the game, though! I've never been invited to play before so I've never played that game at all. But I won!! That's yay!! I curl my body around a pillow and roll back and forth on my bed. That was... Fun. I smile into my pillow. The expression feels weird, it's been so long since I've really smiled. Not since Mason showed his true coloures... The thought wipes the smile clean off my face. I bury my face in the pillow and sigh.

    I curl my body into the fetal position and wrap my arms over my head in an attempt not to get another concussion or something.

(strong language might be present)

"You damn bitch!" He yells, slamming his foot into my unprotected back repeatedly. "You feel that? This is all you're good for, you faggy whore!"

Tears form in my eyes, disrupting my vision even more than his kicks and punches have, and fall silently down my face. Why? I already know that, so why does he always have to remind me? I wish I had never met him. I wish we hadn't moved to America. I wish I wasn't gay. I wish I had never been born. So does everyone else. My tears start falling harder, but I make sure to stay quiet. If I make noise he only beats me harder. And beat me he does. For almost an hour. First he is satisfied  with just kicking me, then he pulls me up by my shirt and drives his fist into my stomach over and over, when he gets tired of that, he... he rips my shirt off of me and throws me onto my own bed. I know what's coming, but this pain never seems to get betters. He crawls on top of me after striping the rest of my clothes and roughly forces himself into me. It feels like I'm stealing in half. I can't help but scream out, which just makes him go harder. Once he's done he gets off the bed and cleans himself up and puts his pants back on. But not his belt. He looks at it and smirks evily, bringing the strip if letter down onto my back until I'm a bloody, sobbing mess. Once he's gotten his fill of that he for es me onto my back by linking my hair and sneers in my face,

    "You know I love it when you scream, bitch."

Then he leaves. I curl into myself, not wanting to move, but knowing I have to clean up the blood before everyone gets home. I wish he would finally just kill me already. Wonder where I would go? Heaven or hell?

    "-vanni! Giovanni!!" Someone yells, shaking my shoulder. I sit up quickly, screaming my head off and yank my body away from whoever is holding me. I curl up into a ball, hiding in myself until my heart and mind calm down. It's... Everyone. Mamman, pappa, Marco, Christian and even the twins, they're all in my room. It was pappa who was apparently shaking me, now they're all giving me worried, frightened looks.

    "What is wrong, figlio?"  (son) Pappa ask in a concerned tone. I shake my head,

    "What do you mean?" My voice comes out hoarse. They all exchange looks.

    "You were screaming in you sleep." This time it's Marco who speaks. I didnt even realize that I had fallen asleep.

    "And," He continues, and lightly touches my face. "You're crying." He shows me his wet fingertips as proof. Well then. I need to learn better sleep self control, don't I? I look down and grip my covers.

    "S-sorry for waking y-you u-up..."

Mamman comes and sits next to me, putting her arms around me. I totally tense up. She hasn't hugged me in, like, four years. I might rub off on her.

    "Oh, bambino, you don't have to apologize, just tell us what's wrong?"

I can't control the whimper that slips out. Fortunately they don't seem to notice. But I still can't tell them...

    "Just a bad dream. I can't even remember what it was about."

She gives me a worried look before running her fingers through my hair like she used to.

    "Ok, just call us if you need us." She gets up and they all starts to leave my room. Tears fill my eyes again, I can't control them at all. Stupid tears. But I don't want to be left alone. I don't want to have any more nightmares. Christian stops them before they leave my room but I don't really take notice. It seems that he ask then something and they agree. Then everyone but Christian and Marco leave. I take notice this time. This is weird. They walk up to me and give me uncertain smile.

    "Sooo," Marco starts off. "We decided that you're gonna bunk with Christian and I tonight, Kay?"

My eyes stretch to the size of saucers, so big they feel like they might pop right out of my head. What the hell?! I'm what?! Like, sleeping in his room?! With him? And with Christian?! When, exactly, did I become this close with them?! Taking my inability to format words as consent, they each grab on of my hands and drag my to their room. Once there I look between the futon and Marco's bed.

     "Uh... w-where should I s-sleep?"

Marco looks and Christian and shrugs.

    "We'll all just sleep in my bed tonight."

Oh, oka- What?! And that is how I found myself in Marco's bed, smooshed between him and Christian. It doesn't take long before they both fall asleep, facing me. They don't want me to have any nightmares? Well this is one way to achieve that!! There is no way I'm getting any sleep tonight. Oh Kay, I can do this. Deep breaths, Giovanni! Nope! I'm going to die. I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die. Suddenly and arm snakes around my waist, causing me to make that manly "Eek" sound, and pulls me to Christian's chest. Dear Lord. Make it stop! I can't cope with this! Then Marco randomly decides to also wrap his arms around me and snuggle in close. I think I passed out from his blood pressure or shock or both.


Oh Gio, my poor baby. Don't worry, it gets better. Mommy luvs you!! Now for my darling readers. Read, vote, comment, follow, become lords and ladies of the zodiac. Mommy luvs you too! Ahem, anyways. Stay tuned!

DManga out~~


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