Part 3

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Christian's POV

Now I'm sure something is up. There is no way you can get bruises like that just from falling down the stairs. Not to mention those horrible scars all across Giovanni's back. It looked like someone had taken a belt to his back. Seriously. I know I said that it's none of our business, and it really isn't, but I'm actually getting kind of worried about him. I know that he's not being bullied at school or anything, because I have almost every class with him and the ones that I don't have with him, Marco does. We would notice if something was going on because we are practically always around him during school. And there is the face that there wasn't a single bruise on his face or anywhere that is normally visible. Highschool bullies arebt that careful. But then who the heck did that to him? It couldn't be anyone in this family, they're all too Christian. So who? Ugh! This is frustrating! Why am I even working about this? It's Saturday night game night. I just need to forget all this and have fun. As if on cue, the twins come barreling in through Marco' s door and start bouncing around.

    "Come on! Why are you still in here! Hurry up so we go play!"

Marco and I chuckle at their antics.

    "Ok, ok, we're coming."

With that we follow them out into the hallway and head for the stairs, but I pause in front of Giovanni's door and knock timidly. Wait, what? Why am I being timid? I'm Christian Stars for chrissakes! After a very awkward moments, the door finally creeks open.

    "Y-yes?" Giovanni asks quietly with his eyes downcast. I clear my throat nervously. What? First I'm timid now I'm nervous. What the heck?

    "Hey, since it's game night and all," I pause to clear my throat again before carrying on. "Do ya wanna come down and play with us?"

His head snaps up to reveal a look of shock. His big green eyes are wide and his lips are parted in a small 'O'. I have to hold back my laugh at his face. It's like he's never been invited to play with his own family before.

    "R-really?!" he exclaims, "you mean it?!"

Don't tell me he really hasn't ever been invited to play with his own family... I nod and smile what I hope is reassuringly at him.

    "Yeah. Come on."

I head for the stairs again, this time with Giovanni trailing behind me. When we get to the family room, where everyone is sitting around a game of Pinocchio (an Italian board game), waiting for me. They all go quiet as they notice Giovanni behind me.

    "What's he doing here?" Nicolo asks in a crass tone. I shoot him a disapproving look.

    "I'm sure that it's is perfectly acceptable for him to play the game with us?" I ask and he lower his gaze, suitably chastised. Once everyone gets a little more used to the fact that Giovanni is playing with us, I lead him over to the game table and sit him down next to me. He sort of folds into himself and keeps his head bowed. I shoot him what I know is a worried look. Why? Just why is he like this? What on earth made him this way. The game starts and we all slowly get into it, even Giovanni. Actually, Giovanni is the one who will the game. Although, he looks even ore supplied than we do. Marco clears his throat awkwardly,
    "Good job. Have you ever played thus before?"
Giovanni blushes and looks down, shaking his head. Marco's eyebrows raise to his hairline and he gives Giovanni a reproving look.
Giovanni just blushes harder. He's pretty cute when he blushe- What the hell? What am I thinking, "cute"?! He's a boy! Boys aren't cute! Ugh. Maybe it's because I was getting so worried about him that I was thinking of him as my own little brother. People can think that their own little brothers are cute, right? That's not weird, right? Ugh. Whatever. We stay down stairs and play a few more games until it's the twins' bed time. Givanni also goes up stairs to his room a little after the twins do. Once he's gone Mrs. Rosa sighs and flops her head onto the table.
    "He used to be such a happy boy, you know." She mumbles, half to herself. "It was about a year before we moved here that he changed. He got all gloomy and stopped smiling as much. Then after we moved here, and he told us that he's gay, he just got worse. He never smiled at all. That was probably our fault. Heck, it is our fault. We've been in the wrong here. Yes, what he has chosen is wrong, but we are his family. It's our job to try to help him. What have we been doing? Pushing him away? What good will that do?" At this point she is freely crying and Mr. Sergio pulls her into a hug.
    "That isn't all, though," She continues tearfully. "He did get a little happier for a while, after he started going out with that boy," She still sounds disgusted when she mentions that. "But, then he hot way worse again. Now he never smile, he never laughs. He barely seems like the boy he used to be at all." Her voice raises at the end and she bursts into sobs. Mr. Sergio rocks her back and forth as we all think about what she said. She's right.


Ugh, no time to update. I'll try to get another chapter on by tomorrow for my lovelies. Read, vote comment. Become gods and goddesses. Love ya all!!

DManga out~

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