Part 13

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Christian's POV

Marco stomps back to the twins' room and I follow. All three of them jump when we barge into the room.

    "Ok, what the hell happened?"

The twins look down, almost guilty, and cling the each of Giovanni's hands as he stands up. Marco's glare settles on Giovanni.

    "What did you do?! Your room is trashed, the twins are crying and look like they just saw bloody murder!!"

Tears fill Giovanni's eyes as he opens his mouth to respond, but the twins beat him to it.

    "Gio didn't do anything!" Nicola yells angrily.

    "Yeah!! It's not Gio's fault!!" Nicolo follows up with. Marco and I stare at them in shock. Gio? Why did they call him Gio? And I swear that they hated Giovanni before we left to the party. Really, what on earth happened while we were gone?! Marco's face suddenly goes blank for a moment.

    "Gio?" He looks rater intensely at Giovanni. "When did we ever stop calling you that?"

Giovanni looks down and pulls the twins closer to his body.

    "... When we moved here... So right after I told you that I'm gay..."

Now it's Marco's turn to look guilty. He walks over and pulls the three of them into a hug and pets Giovanni's hair.

    "I'm so sorry, Gio. I'm so so so sorry."

I shuffle uncomfortably at their little family moment, feeling out of place. Giovanni looks up at me and smiles slightly. My eyes widen when he distangles himself from Marco and some over to hug me too.

    "Don't look so out of place, Christian," He giggles. "You can call me Gio too."

It takes me a while to get over my shock enough to hug him back, which makes Marco and the twins laugh too. Geez, I wonder what kind of face I was making... Then Marco's face gets all serious again.

    "You still haven't told us what, exactly, happened."

Giovan- ahem, Gio and the twins all stiffen and go silent. The twins look down and shuffle their feet, sniffling like they're going to cry. Gio let's go of me and smiles brightly. Marco and I both make 'woah what the hell' faces. He never smiles like that. Never.

    "Nothing happened, really. We just decided to throw a part in my room, since everyone was gone, and all. Please don't tell Mamman and Pappan."

The twins' heads snap up and they stare at Gio with wide eyes. He smiles back at them. Now I'm even more sure that that is most certainly not what happened. I give him a mild glare and his smile falters.

    "Actually, may I have a... Word... With you, Christian?"

Marco and the twins look at him funny as my eyes widen. He can't mean.... I nod and follow him to his room. He shuts the door softly and leans against it. I notice that he flinched slightly as he does so.

    "Was it Mason? Did he... Touch... You!" I ask bluntly. He nods and takes a deep breath.

    "Yeah. Althoug he didn't touch me the twins walked in before he could... The twins saw. I made them swear to never tell anyone... If they do then who knows what Mason will do to them!!"

His voice raises to a slightly hysterical note at the end and he bursts into tears. I really just don't know what to do. It's the worst feeling in the world, this helplessness. Once he's called down, I get him to show me his injuries. It's horrible. Even worse than before. His olive skin is completely covered with bruises, especially his back. It looks like someone tried to give him blunt force trauma. Before we go back out, to the kitchen where Marco is cooking some mack n' cheese for the twins, I kiss him lightly on the forehead. I swear he turns tomato red. It's surprisingly cute.


Sorry for the short chapter. But it's pretty cute, isn't it. *makes high pitched fan girl sounds* Christian is being adorable. And my little Nicolo and Nicola~ I love them!! Read! Vote! Comment!! I luv ya!!!

DManga out~~

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