Part 12

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Gio's POV

Marco and Christian leave for their party, then Mamman and Pappan leave a moment later. They both work for some big company that's holding a dinner party at a hotel, and the party is supposed to go on till late, so they booked a room for the night. So yeah, just me and the twins tonight. After about another fifteen minutes at teen titans, the doorbell rings. I get up and go to answer the door, seeing as the twins are glued to the TV screen. I open the door to reviel a Mason. My expression drops. Oh God, please no. He had his fun just a couple days ago!! He walks into the house, uninvited, and shuts the door softly before dragging me up to my room, his personal torture chamber. He shuts my door and slams me against it. I cringe as sharp pains jolt up my back. It feels like someone has driven a truck into me. Not to mention the loud bang that echos through the house. Dear Lord, please please please don't let the twins notice anything!! I-if they do, then they'll come up here, and if they come up here Mason will see them, and if Mason sees them, he'll hurt them!! He punches me a few times, each time feeling like a hammer blow, then throws me onto my own bed. The he picks of my desk chair and smashes it again my desk, shattering it and everything on my desk. I flinch at the shattering noise. Then I see what he's planning to do with the broken chair. My eyes widen in horror as he takes one of the chair legs and swing it around, walking slowly towards me. I whimper as tears fill my eyes. This one is new. He spins the chair leg one more time as I get to my hands and knees and try to crawl away from him. I know I shouldn't. I know that whenever I struggle, he only beats me harder. I know, but I can't help it. He brings the leg down on my back, making me collapse onto my stomach and he brings the leg down over and over again. The pain rivals even that of when he lashes he with his belt. I can't help but let the screams out as the skin on my back finally splits open. He sets the  hair leg on the bed and starts yanking off my pants, but just then my bedroom door crashes open. Oh no. Nononononono. Mason turns towards the door and sees my little siblings. His face contorts into a scowl as he approaches them, still holding the now bloodied chair leg. Nicola screams and hides behind Nicolo, who is backing away in fear. Mason raises the leg up to hit them, but before he can, I throw myself between them, so he just hits my back again. The twins give me matching looks of horror and fear. I just twist around and fall to my knees at Mason's feet.

    "Please don't hurt them!! I swear they won't tell a soul!!"

He glares harshly down at me.

    "How can you be so sure?"

I turn to the twins and start speaking in rapid Italian, trying to get the importance of my point across.

    "Ascolta . Devi mai dire a nessuno quello che hai appena visto . Non mamman , non pappa, non Marco . Nessuno . Ok ? Se non accadranno brutte cose . Egli ti farà del male . Ok ? Io non vi voglio farsi male . Quindi, per favore , per favore , per favore non dire mai . me Promos . "

("Listen. You must never ever tell anyone what you just saw. Not mother, not father, not Marco. No one. Ok? If you do bad things will happen. He will hurt you. Ok? I don't want you to get hurt. So please, please, please never tell. Promos me.")

I watch as they both dissolve into tears and cling onto me for dear life.

    "Sì , fratello ! Promettiamo ! Siamo spiacenti ! "

("Yes, big brother! We promise! We're sorry!")

I turn back to Marco, who is still glaring, and tell him what they said. He gives them an ice cold glare that makes them shrink into me more and storms out of the house. When he's gone, the twins demand that I immediately teat my wound, so I do. While they watch. Geez, I see how much I'm trusted. After I put on a clean shirt and pants, a lead them to their room and get on my knees in front of them again, trying and failing to smile reassuringly. They glare through their tears at me.

    "Why was he hitting you?! Why do you look do scared?! Isn't he supposed to be your boyfriend?! Shouldn't he love you?!"

I sigh. How to explain this to ten year olds.

    "Yes, he's my boyfriend, but only because he won't let me leave. And he has never loved me."

    "Why can't you leave?" Nicola ask innocently. I smile wanely at her.

    "He'll kill me if I do."

The both start crying again.

    "We don't want you to get hurt anymore, Gio!"

I stiffen at the old nickname my family always used to use, then pull the both into a hug.

    "I know, piccoli, I know."

(little ones)


I...i really don't know what to say about that... I'm kind of mad at myself because this was supposed to happen before Christian found out. Oh well. It all works out, yeah? Comment if you don't like Mason!! Laters, my lovelies!!

DManga out~~

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