Part 8

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Gio's POV

Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. That's all that's going through my mind the whole time I'm at Mason's house and while I'm walking home, right up until a very flustered Christian confronts me in the doorway. Crap. He saw. What am I supposed to do now?! 

    "We need to talk." He says. Nah, really? I would have never come to that conclusion! Instead of voicing those thoughts. I just grab his hand and drag him up to my room. He sits me on the edge of my bed and makes me lift my arms up so he can take my shirt off. Gosh! Way to make me feel like a little kid! I blush as his eyes rake over my torso... Again. Didn't he do this before? Sigh. His gaze stops on the numerous cuts that criss cross my ribs, and he runs out of the room, only to return a moment later with the first aid kit.

    "Hold still and let me clean you up." He demands. Doesn't even ask nicely, no, he demands. Still, I do as he says. It's been a while since someone has done something like this for me... Once he's done all that and gotten me bandaged, he moves me so I'm sitting Indian style in the middle of my bed, and sits across from me so we are facing each other. Is this what going to a therapist would feel like? Haha, therapist... the rapist. I'm mature.

    "Ok," Christian starts and clears his throat nervously. "Care to tell me what the hell just happened before I call the cops?"

My head snaps up and I meet his gaze. Shit just got real.

    "NO!!" I half scream. "Y-you can't!!"

He gives me a stern look.

    "And why not?"

Crud, I can feel the tears coming. Let's not cry, Gio. It'll only make you look more like a baby.

    "B-b-because! He s-said that I-if I ever t-tell anyone he'll kill me!! Or what if he hurts the twins! Or hits Marco with his car! He's threatened to do that!" By now I'm sobbing uncontrollably and Christian is staring at me with his mouth open. Seemingly not knowing what to do, Christian randomly pulls me into his lap and hugs me. It hurts, but the gesture is comforting enough that I don't really mind. He rocks me back and forth and pets my hair, making soothing sounds until I calm down. When I do, he pulls back just enough so that he can look me in the face.

    "For some reason, I don't doubt that he'll do, or has hired someone to do all those things," His face twists into an expression of utter revulsion as he says this and it kind of amazes me to see that someone actually cares about me that much. "So I won't tell anyone, but I want to to tell me before, if you know, and after anything happens, OK?"

I nod and snuggle into him, needing the comfort. It's been so long since anyone has held me like this. After a while, we both decide that we should go down stairs before Marco decides to come up here to figure out what's keeping us. So I put on a less bloodstained shirt and down we go. Marco is waiting for us at the bottom of the stairs with his arms crossed and his foot tapping. He looks kind of like mammam... I have to resist the urge to hide behind Christian. Yeah, that would be a little odd, seeing as he's supposed to hate me and all. And I don't want Marco suspicious. He would figure it out and he would totally flip, then mason would hurt him and it would kill me. Against what you may think, I adore my big brother. He uncrosses his arms to put his hands on his hips... Even more like mamman...


Christian puts on an innocent face and tries to play innocent.

    "'So?' what?"

Marco's glare just intensifies tenfold.

    "What the hell is going on?! We follow Giovanni," I make an indignant noise here, but he ignores me, "and you look in the window and see something and freak out, then drag me back here and keep freaking out until he gets home, then when he does you're all like,"We need to talk'" He makes air quotes with his fingers around we need to talk. "and you two dissappear upstairs for almost half an hour then just come back down like nothing happened!" At the end of his rant he is breathing hard from all that continuous yelling and still glaring. His face is going to freez like that, I swear. I look down and Christian sighs and tousled his hair.

    "Look, Marco, it's really no big deal. It was actually a misunderstanding on my part. I though I saw him stabbing a little girl." I choke on my spit. Where the heck did he pull that from?! "So yeah, I freaked out, but it's all cleared up now."

Marco gives him the what the hell look that I kind of wish I could be giving him, but I have to play along.

    "Oh. Uh, right. I see... Anyways.... Ahem... We should probably finish the homework for tomorrow before you have to go home. Geez, why do teachers still give us homework the week before school is out?" with that he goes back onto the living room and Christian follows. Wait... homework... Shit! I run up to my room to get started on  the three essays I have due tomorrow. I'm not a procrastinator, I swear...


Whoop Whoop! Two parts, one day! I'm amazing, aren't I? BUT NOT AS AMAZING AS MY FAITFUL READERS!! I LUV YOU GUYS! Anyways, good Christian. You're a good boy. Keep that up and you'll gain some respect. What do y'all think of Christian? Speaking of "y'all" it's hard to keep myself from using southern lingo... But they aren't southern! *wails*
Bwahaha! Read, comment, vote, follow, be promoted to the aids or Ra. Toodelloo

DManga out~~

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