Part 2

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Dedicated to 666LovelyBones

Gio's POV

I hate them! I hate them! I hate them! I slam my door shut and sink to the ground, sobbing quietly. I learned a long time ago to never cry out loud. Why can't they just accept me? They're my family, my flesh and blood, for goodness sake! Ever since I told them it gay, five years ago, they've been like this. Treating me like I have a disease or something. It's not like I chose this. Why the heck would I?! Nothing, and I do mean nothing, good has ever come from my being gay. You can't really help who you like. They have no idea how hard this actually is for my. How hard it is when I get home from being at my boyfriend, Mason's house. They look at like they're imagining all the dirty things we've been doing, but that's not how it is at all, we'll I guess it is... I'm Mason's personal toy. He does whatever he wants to to me and I hate it. Especially when he touches me. It hurts and makes me feel so dirty... Mason hates me just like everyone else does. Whenever we're together, he just... He just beats me. I don't know why, probably because I'm so disgusting and all, but I can't help it! Why is it so bad that I like guys? And I can't leave him or tell anyone, if I do he'll kill me. He tells me that he will every time I see him. I don't doubt that he will, he's gotten me close enough to death before. I'm just glad that I've been able to hide the bruises and scars. For some reason I don't want to die, so I haven't told anyone at all. Wait, that's a lie. I have told someone. I used to have a friend here, his name was Slaine. He moved away two years ago. I haven't been able to talk to him since. Finally all my tears dry up and I decide to take a shower. I very quietly creep out of my room and look around to make sure no one is there. If you can't tell, I don't particularly like people. Seeing that everyone is still downstairs in the living room, I proceed to the bathroom and strip out of my skiny jeans and sweater. My entire torso is black and blue, along with my arms from trying to shield myself. My legs aren't as bad, but there are a few stray bruises. I have some really bad scars on my back from the time Mason took his belt to me. I look so ugly, it's really no wonder that everyone hates me so much. Sighing, I step into the shower and let the warm water work it's magic on my tense self. I shampoo and condition my jet black hair, then get out of the shower and blow-dry it to perfection. It may seem weird, but I love my hair. It's longer in the front and short in the back and styled so that the front sweeps across my face and completely covets my left eye. What can I say? My hair is awesome. It's not like anything else about me is. Oh crap. I forgot to grab my pjs... I wrap my fluffy pink towel (yeah, it'd pink, so what.) securely around my slender waist and open the bathroom door with the plan to quickly run to my room. Unfortunately for me, I run right into Marco and Christian. Literally, right into them. I fall on my but and desperately try to cover my colorful chest and stomach with my equally colorful arms. At first they just glare and sneer down at me, then their expressions tour to ones of shock. Crap. Hahaha, it's actually funny, they're making the exact same face... Haha, I'm getting a little hysterical now, yay. Christian suddenly reaches down and grabs my arm (what's with this boy and grabbing me, geez) and hauls me to my feet. I have to use my other hand to keep my towel from falling, because dropping my towel right now would go over real well, so I don't have any arms left to cover myself with. Double crap. So Marco blocks me from moving backwards by standing behind me with his hands on my shoulders, while Christian is in front of me with a firm hold on my arm. Again. Triple crap.

    "Giovanni, there is no way you get all this from falling down the stairs." Christian states calmly. Well no duh, sherlock.

    "Yeah, just tell us h-" Marco starts but cuts himself off with a sharp intake of breath. Oh crap. I shudder as he brushes his fingertips over the raised scars that crisscross my entire back. It really took him a while to notice them...

    "What?" Christian demands. "What's wrong."

Marco just grips my shoulders and spins me around, making me let out a very manly shriek. Very manly. Christian also takes a sharp intake of breath and runs his hands over my back, making me shudder again. Do they really have to keep touching me? I don't like it when people touch me! They spin me again so that I'm facing the both of them with one of their hands on each of my shoulders. Seriously?! The spinning!! I'm a person  to ya know! I cross my arms (thankfully my towel stays where it belongs) and huff at them.

    "Are you two done manhandling me?"

They both give me 'not the time' looks. Well then.

    "Giovanni," Marco starts seriously, taking the older brother tone with me for the first time in five years. "Just tell us how," he gestures to my torso, "this happened."

I look down and just shake my head.


Tears fill my eyes. I don't want to not tell him, but I can't tell him. He sighs,

    "I'm getting mom and dad."

My head snaps up and I give him a pleading look.

    "N-no! P-please don't!"

He turns back around to face me from where he had moved to walk down the stairs.


I look down as the tears start up again.

    "I c-can't tell y-you, OK? But it's n-no big deal. And I really dad fall down the stairs. It was a bad fall, that's how I got all the bruises."

He give me another look, then turns to Christian, who has been silently holding my shoulders this whole time.

    "What do you think, Christian?"

Christian shrugs.

    "I don't know. If he doesn't want to tell, then it really isn't our business." With that he release my shoulders and carried on his way to Marco's room. Thats where he always stays when he spends the night, on the futon in Marco's room. Marco sighs again  and follows him. Thank goodness they didn't push me, I don't know what I would do. I let out breath of relief and rush to my room.


Hey ho! I know that I said I would wait until next week to update, but I have no life. That, and an amazing miss 666LovelyBones actually commented!! First person who I don't personally know to comment!! Made my day! If I can get to a whole 10 views, I'll update again!!

DManga out~


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