After the incident

Start from the beginning

He was holding my shoulders with both his hands. I'm assuming his wrist got healed by now, and he was smiling at me.
Not a big Uraraka-type of smile, but a small, barely noticeable smile.


He cut my inner rambling off. "Relax. It doesn't matter."

I sighed in defeat and smiled at him. "All right..."

We then walked to the exit, where my mom along with any other worried relatives of the other students still inside were waiting. Tears brimmed my mother's eyes when she saw me. She was holding her hand against her mouth in fear and worry, yet happiness and relief flooded her as she saw me walking, safe and in one piece, towards her.
I saw her pushing past people around her that were clumped in one spot all chattering. "IZU!" She yelled and waved violently to catch my attention.
With a big grin I moved my hand from left to right in large yet quick movements. "Hey mom!"
Todoroki looked at me with a puzzled face, looking around trying to spot my mom. I threw my arm and gripped Todoroki's and dragged him in the direction of my mother. He was startled from the unexpected sprint as I dragged him.
There were many police officers surrounding the area with tape surrounding the building. I ignored them and ran past them towards my mom. I let go of my friend and jumped on my mom with a big tight hug.
I didn't want to let go, but it had to be done at one point.
"Oh! Mom! This is my friend Todoroki-Kun!" I turned around and brought the bicolored hair male forward towards my mom.
"Oh, what a pleasure to finally meet you!" She reached out and placed his hand in both of hers in a warm and welcoming manner. "I've heard so much about you! Izuku won't stop rambling about what a good person you are!"
"Mom-" I said between gritted teeth, now embarrassed.
She turned her head to me, "What! I'm just telling this young man the truth! He should be flattered!" She exclaimed in a bit of a bossy tone.
My mom then turned her head around back at him and asked him a few normal and simple questions like: "How are his grades going" or "Does he have any pets". Simple stuff.
He replied calmly to each one, not really changing his serious face expression.
Lastly I interrupted the conversation I was left-out of and asked Todoroki if he wanted to come over to our place and have something to eat. Maybe just hang out since the incident was going to get us out of school for a few days.
He nodded and my mom clapped happily.
"That's a wonderful idea Izu!" She said.
I scratched the back of my head awkwardly. "Really? It was kind of simple-"
"Nonsense!" She smiled. "But would your father let you stay over? Isn't he gonna be worried?"
"Right... your dad..." I said, looking at the ground in defeat. Todoroki seemed to have noticed my mood-drop since he sighed and placed his hand on my head.
I looked up in confusion and tried to get his hand off since it made me feel short.
Thankfully, he let go.
"What was that for!" I pouted a bit irritated by the gesture.
"Nothing. I can go." He said.
"I can come over. Don't worry about it."
"But your dad-"
He cut me off, "Forget about him. I'll text him to let him know."
This cheered me up. I get to have my best friend over at my house for the first time! But the house is a mess-

My mom pried both Todoroki and my arms, dragging us both to my house after going through a police checkpoint near the exit just for safety precautions.
Around fifteen or so minutes after that, we arrived and went inside the building. It's warm embrace and scent of home overwhelmed me, making me feel safe and comfortable. All three of us took our shoes off at the entrance of the place. Todoroki looked around and examined everything surrounding him. It's as if he'd never seen a house before.
"You have a really nice home Miss. Midoryia." He said as he looked down at an ornament my mom had recently bought and placed in a wooden piece of furniture near the entrance.
"A-Ah! Why thank you!" My mom stuttered, face slightly pink, at the compliment from my friend.
"I-I'll make the tea!" I said in a rushed voice for some reason.
"No, no, no honey. You go make our guest at home as I make the tea. Take him to your room or to the living room and watch TV or something." She said as she shoved us both away from the kitchen.
"I see we have no choice- heh..." I said as I scratched the back of my head in an embarrassed manner. "I'm sorry about my mom... she can be weird around other people."
"She seems totally fine by me." He said.
I smiled and took him towards my bedroom. "This is," I cleared my throat "my humble abode!" I flung myself on my bed and sighed. I sat up, facing him and excused my messy room, which in return got the statement brushed-off completely.
I looked at him moving around my room looking at every detail of the confined space it is.
"Your room is very nice."
In return I only felt a little awkward, knowing he was probably saying it out of pity since my room is probably super small compared to his.
"My room feels so bare and plain. Yours has a nice feeling to it. As if it were designed just to your comfort. Since I'm never really in my room except to do schoolwork or sleep, I never get the chance to decorate or make my own room mine." He stated, not looking at me but around casually, just as if he hadn't said anything at all.
My mouth hang open in shock and disbelief. "Y-You're kidding? Right...?" I asked, already knowing deep inside that he wasn't lying.
He shook his head from side to side with his eyes shut.
"I-I see..."
"He sat down on the chair to my desk, the back used to rest his crossed arms in which he laid his head on sideways. Relaxed.
"Don't you need to tell your dad where you are?" I asked a bit panicked about that small detail.
"Oh yeah." He said casually and took out his phone from his backpack. He typed on it and then turned it off.
I looked at him and realized he was still in his "hero" suit, or at least was a "hero" suit. I offered him to go change or take a shower to which he gladly took the offer to. I told him I had some shirts and pants that might fit him since they were a bit oversized for me. I took a spare, clean towel and gave it to him to use. Nodding, he took it, got inside the bathroom and took the shower as I looked around my room for the oversized clothes I owned.
The sound of the water falling had turned on, in which I knew that he was in the shower.
A while later I had found around four oversized shirts that were clean but was still missing the pants for him to use.
'I found the shirts but not the pants. Fuck.' I thought to myself.
I kept looking around my room in every drawer and even asked my mom, to which she replied to that she had put them in my room. I grunted in exasperation and kept looking. Without notice, Todoroki stepped out of the bathroom, which left a bit of steam from the shower trailing right behind him.
"A-aH-ha T-T-Todoroki! H-Hi! What-?!" I managed to say bits and pieces of words and stuff as I closed my eyes and placed both my hands over them. My face felt all warm.
"I'm wearing the towel you handed me around me. It's not like I'm fully naked, you know?" He said sternly.
"Ah! Oh... right! My bad..." I scratched my neck once more in embarrassment. "Oh! Yeah! Your clothes-"
"I can manage with the undergarments I was wearing earlier today, but I'd rather have some pants at least."
"About that-" I looked at the ground, "I only found shirts but no pants."
"No pants?"
"How about pajamas?" He asked.
"Yeah! That's smart! But it'd give my mom the impression that you're staying the night though."
"Do you not want me to stay the night?"
"O-O-Of course not! I mean yes! I- what I mean is that I'd LOVE that but I'm sure it'd cause you problems with you-know-who and that's not good and-"
"It's fine. I'll ask your mom if I can stay over the night."
This got me very excited.
"Sure, why not?"
"This is exciting!" I cheered and wrapped my arm around the back of his neck, feeling the humid feeling of his skin. He smiled and pulled away to put on one of the T-shirts I was holding in my other hand. "I'll go find you some pajama pants for you Todoroki-Kun." I turned around and headed out to my nearest cabinet to get him some larger pants.
I got back not long after when I saw him gawking down at his phone as he sat on my bed with the towel still wrapped around his waist even though he was wearing his boxers.
"What 'cha looking at?" I says as I plopped down next to him, now looking at his phone too. He was searching me up on Google. Well... not me, me, but my villain-self. He searched up things about my alter like: hair, skin, outfit, any past things of being involved with the league.
I felt my body tense up in fear.
"I am looking for this guy." He said, not bothering to look up at me from his device.
I played it cool.
"What guy?" I asked, handing him the pants.
He thanked me, stood up and put them on quickly.
He sat back down. "The one who attacked me and the others. He took all of us down easily and even sprained my wrist-"
"That guy?!"
"Yeah." He said. "Him."
"You wanna find him?" I asked.
"Not necessarily, but I do want answers." He looked at me.
I gulped without meaning to, feeling cornered each second. "W-What k-kind of answers?"
"Three in fact." He looked up at my ceiling. "My first question is: why did he save Aizawa-sensei? He could have easily ended him right there and then, yet he gave mercy. Villains would have died to have the opportunity to kill Aizawa."
'Shit he's right; but our teacher did a very honorable thing by saving everyone he could, even almost to his last breath. Maybe that's why I told Shigaraki to stop? Pity? Yeah. Pity.' I answered in my own head.
"The second question is why attack the U.S.J. facility? That day All Might was supposed to go help us out, yet he didn't show. I want to know how he would know about our class' plans today."
'That is just logic.'
"And lastly, I want to know why he looked at me that way..."
"Way?" I asked, now puzzled. "What way?"
He sighed. "He looked at me with pity. When I was on the ground after he hurt my wrist, I looked up at my attacker. Looking into his eyes..." He stopped briefly. "It felt as if I was looking into the eyes of someone who has known me for years. It felt as if my life story was written in a book. Every single detail; from the day I took my first breath, to that moment when I was before him. My whole life story was a book he had read." He said in a bitter tone.
"I-" I held my hand out, attempting to grab his arm or a way of comfort, yet stopped myself.
I looked away.
"I hope we can catch this guy and put an end to him!" I punched the air in determination.
He turned his head in my direction, first, his mouth agape but changed rather quickly to a small smile.

"Yeah. Let's do that."


Hey losers!
Sorry for missing the update, tennis is about to end this Wednesday so after that I will actually update more often! I hope you enjoyed this crappy filler chapter though.
Happy spooky season everyone!

Villain with a Heart (Todoroki X Villain!Deku) Soulmate!AUWhere stories live. Discover now