
Denim's POV

Eventually, Alexander, Aatto and I sat done in a private room. No one said a word for the first few minutes.

"Denim" Aatto says. "Think how good business will be. Millions could come your way. Expansion on territory will be a lot bigger for you. Not to mention all the extra alliances you will get from the Russian's maybe even the Italian's."

"Son...sign the agreement." Alexander says sliding a piece of paper across the coffee table.

I crossed my arms. "Aatto, I've always admired your determination, but I will not marry Cleonie."

He pauses. "You are the only one against this." He explains to me. "Think about what you are saying no to."

"I am and I will stick by my word....I always have." I said standing up fixing my tie. "I am not marrying your self-centered, whore daughter."

I left the room in search of Brandy. I was frustrated and angry. I made my way down to the restaurant. I barely got a foot through the door before Cleonie ran over to me. "Denim. My handsome Denim. Where did you and my father go? Did you guys talk about the living arrangements?"

I looked Cleonie up and down. She has a fantastic body, any guy would be an idiot to turn her down, but she's not my Brandy. "Listen Cleonie, I am not marrying you. I'm not interested in you."

She frowned. "But Daddy promised. He said that you will do anything for me."

"Well your 'Daddy' is wrong. Nothing will ever go on between us. Mark my words." I told her.

"Denim." A familiar voice calls out. Blue stood by the bar, with two glasses of alcohol. I walked over to him.

I've been so happy to you and you couldn't even bother to get a bigger glass." I said rolling my eyes.

"You gotta say sober. Your fiancee will not be happy about going home with you piss drunk." Blue says.

"Please shut up the hell up before I rip your tongue out." I sighed slamming the glass down.

"Watch out. The royal highness is coming over." He says softly.

Cleonie walked over to us and stood behind Blue. "Can you get out of my way? You are blocking my view of my future husband."

I completely ignored her. She was obnoxious and I was growing tired of her very quickly. I looked across the room as Brandy stood by herself in the corner fixated on her phone. She didn't even realize how everyone was staring at her. She is the most beautiful girl in the whole room. She stood out and made Cleonie look terrible.

"Why are you staring at her? She's your sister. That's weird." Cleonie snaps stepping in front of me.

I sighed. "Don't you have to put on some more makeup or something?" I said moving her out of my view line of Brandy.

"I mean I have a better idea." She winks. "We can be quick." Cleonie whispers holding onto my hand. "I'm not even wearing any underwear."

I spun Cleonie around holding her by her wrists against the bar. "A strong man. I like that." She says .

"I am not interested in having sex with you. In fact I am disgusted by the thought." I told her. I pushed her away and stormed off towards Brandy. I grabbed onto her arm and dragged her out of the restaurant and brought her outside.

"Denim!" She shrieks.

I can't control myself around her. I pinned her wrists against the wall. I stared down at her small frame. I licked my bottom lips. I smashed my lips onto hers. I cupped her face as I brought up her leg to rest on the side of my waist. Brandy's hands perfectly placed themselves on his chest in attempt to push me back. I held her harder pressing her body against mine as I held her up against the wall.

"...De-nim." She lightly moaned out as I kissed her neck. I wanted her. I needed her. "No, Denim stop!" She exclaims pushing me back. Brandy fixes her dress and tries to catch her breath.

She stared angrily at me. "I've already told you that I will never have sex with you or anything remotely close."

I laughed placing my hand on her back drawing her closer to me. "You are My Girlfriend. So as My Girlfriend, I will do whatever I want. Even if that means fucking you so hard, Princess. We could even make our porn video one day." I teased kissing the top of her head.

"Stay away from me!" Brandy shouts. She pulled herself and ran back inside.

I looked up for a second about to head inside. Aatto's oldest son, Declan, simply stared at me with a cigarette in his hand. He laughed to himself and brushed past me. Opening the door back into the building, he stopped and looked back at me. "You are a pathetic human being, Mr.Lockwood. Can't even treat girl properly. Maybe you should marry my sister. I could teach you a few things." He says.

I lost it. I lunged in and grabbed Declan by the collar of his shirt. "Declan I Promise...If You Don't Stay Out Of My Way....I Will Kill Your Entire Family And Save You For Last!" I yelled slamming against the dollar.

"Tell Miss.Diamond to think about my proposal." He says pushing me off him.

Out of rage, I turned around and punched a hole in the glass door, leaving a huge pile of shattered glass.

If anyone went near my Princess, I'd kill them without thinking.


(Declan Goldrick

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(Declan Goldrick. Played By Matthew Noszka)

 Played By Matthew Noszka)

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(Cleonie Goldrick. Played By Gigi Hadid)

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