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Walking into the kitchen I suddenly come to a stop, a older women and another women dressed in a dress similar to mine that has a chain attached to a leg of the table are sitting down.

"Hello my dear, please come join us" the older women tells me.

"Who are you?" I ask, I couldn't shut my lips fast enough before the words spilled out of my mouth.

"Excuse me? I'm your husband's mother. You will do well to earn respect for your betters" she tells me as she raises her eyebrows up.

Walking slowly to the table I take a seat. I don't know what to do. This is his mother, I have so many questions to ask her. I know she sees the chain around the other girls leg and is doing nothing about it.

I turn my head a little and get a closer look at the girl only to see her head staying down with her hair falling around her face. She has a ribbon in her hair like I do but it's red, it's matching her dress.

"You know it's rude to stare at someone don't you?" she askes me in a annoyed tone.

Well guess what lady, I'm annoyed too! Your damn son took me from my home and whipped me lastnight with a freaking bullwhip.

"Your okay with this?" I ask her sock in my voice as I point to the chain that's wrapped around the girls leg.

"Oh you silly little fool. The chains were my idea" she chuckles before standing up and grabbing a second chain from the kitchen cabinet and attaches it to the legs of the table and wraps it around one of my legs.

"If you'd like I can ask my son to teach you another lesson?" she askes it as simply as if she is asking if i want some cake.

That shuts my mouth up quick and shaking my head to her question. Looking down I see a bowl of grits sits in the front of me in the spot she pointed to me to seat at and I'm guessing it is mine, I can feel my stomach growl loudly.

I'm so hungry. I haven't ate anything since he took me away. Dipping the spoon into my grits I bring it up slowly to my nose sniffing it fast making sure I didn't smell anything funny before taking a bite, keeping my eyes locked down on my bowl not wanting to meet Colton's mothers eyes again.

5 minutes later Colton walks into the kitchen with another man, one younger then he is. He comes up to me and kisses my cheek.

"Goodmorning sleepy head" he murmurs

"Go-Goodmorning" I whisper back keeping my eyes locked down on my grits.

"You was probably so confused about the note i left for you my darling wife and for that I must apologize. Last night was so perfect I had completely forgot to tell you that my family would be coming stay with us far a while" he chuckles at himself before sitting down infront of his breakfast of eggs, sausage and toast.

Last night was perfect? Does he mean the lashing he have me? He actually thinks that was perfect?

"Won't you introduce me brother?" the younger man askes Colton with a smirk on his face as he seats down between Colton and the other young women.

"Oh, Please excuse my rudeness again my wife. This is my younger brother Cain and I do believe you have met my dear mother and your sister in law Rebecca?" he askes before shoving a piece of sausage into his mouth.

Nodding my head to answer his question, I take another bite of grits hopeing that will give me a reason not to talk to him.

"Yes my son, I have met your wife. You know the first thing she asked me was who was I? Definitely rude if I must say" his mother tells Colton with a look of disgust on his face.

Was this bitch trying to get me beat again?!

"Well mother you have to understand, Abby has yet to meet you and you probably scared her being inside her kitchen" he responds back to her with a smile on his lips.

I almost shoot her a smirk but quickly think better of it.

"Isn't that right my beautiful wife?" he askes me as he turns his head towards me and waits for my reply.

"T-thats right hu-husand" I whisper softly to him.

"See mother, no need to get upset over something so small" he tells her with a shake of his head.

His mother watches me closely betore agreeing with him and eating the rest of her food.

"Why are you not eating wife" Colton's brother askes Rebecca.

"I feel sick" she says as she keeps her head down.

"What?! Are you saying my cooking made you sick? Your a ungrateful little girl" the mother snaps loudly causing Rebecca to flinch away from her.

"Mother calm down, I'm sure that's not what my wife was saying at all. Right?" he askes as he sends her a hard look.

"No ma'am, I th-think im just coming down with a b-bug" she whimpers softly before bowing her head down more.

His mother sends her a look of disgust that makes me want to pull all her hair out. I can't believe she is okay with how her sons are treating us.

"So.. Abby, tell me about yourself?" the mother askes before taking a sip of her orange juice.

"I wo-work at a law firm-"

"Don't you mean worked?"

"Ye-yes I worked at a l-law firm"

"Hmm what eles?"

"I like to paint and read books"

"What kind of books?"


"Why mysteries?"

God damn how many questions can this women have? I don't even want to answer her. I hate her. She is allowing her sons to treat other women like this.

"I like to solve them before knowing the ending"

"Ahh" she says simply before taking a bite of her toast.

"Sons, I must talk with yall privately. Girl's clean up the dishes and this kitchen. We won't be far and don't try anything funny. Those chains are locked and I have the key's today" she tells us as she stands up and walks into the living room leaving her two sons to follow her orders.

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