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Waking up i feel Colton's mouth softly kissing my face.

"Good afternoon Baby" he whispers snuggling his head into my hair

"Good afternoon" I murmur back still half asleep.

"We need to get up and head down stairs for lunch" he whispers again

Nodding my head I sits up and climb out of bed grabbing my dress from where I dropped it and slips it back on before hunting for my panties.

10 minutes later we are walking down stairs Colton's holding my hand leading me towards the kitchen.

Walking into the kitchen we see his mother fixing plates and Colton pulls out a chair and gestures for me to sit.

I smile at him giving thanks and takes my seat.

"I assume Cain is still with Rebecca?" Colton asks as he sits down next to me

"Yes he hasn't came back out yet but he knows we eat lunch as a family" she says as she brings Colton his plate of food.

Colton smiles at me before picking up his fork and starts to eat his spaghetti.

I wait around for my playe but it never comes soon the mother sits down in her chair and begins eating.

I look up at Colton and he stopped eating and watchs her.. waiting for something.

He clears his throat making her look up at him.

"Yes dear"? His mother asks sweetly

"You forgot something mother" He says in a angry tone

She raises her eye brows and looks around the room cleary not even bothering to look at me and turns her head back to him.

"Honey i didn't forget anything. I cooked and cleaned up the mess. The kitchens spotless. " she says smiling at him before going back to eating.

She clearly will not bring me my food so I go to stand up and get my own when Coltons hard shoots out and stops me.

"Sit back down" He tells me


He gives me a look that shuts me up.

"Mother. Clearly you have forgotten your place. Ill make sure father is told this. Now. You cooked and what is your job to do after you cook?" he asks her.

"Set plates" she says and sets her fork down.

"Exactly" he nod his head to her and waits again

She says nothing just gestures to his plate which in turn makes him gesture to mine.

"Dear she is younger she can fix her own-"

"That's not the fucking RULE!" He spits at her "You should know the rules by now Mother. Your old enough. You have had your lessons. You have not learned?"

"I'm sorry I just thought you wanted her to learn more-"

" Its my job to say when she needs training not yours, now get the fuck up you lazy bitch and fix her plate!" he snaps at her before leaning across the table and slaps her hard across the face.

I feel my eyes and see hers widen in complete shock... I didn't think he would ever lay a hand on his mother. Im shocked. She is shocked.

She slowly gets up from the table and fixes my plate and sets it down gently infront of me before sitting back down and finishing her own food.

I stay silent and eat my food slowly trying to t make much noise.

The front door bursts open as Cain walks inside, the mother gets back up and fixes his food before placing it where he sits as he slams his body down on the chair looking exhausted.

I look around expecting to see Rebecca come behind him but she doesn't and im scared to ask..

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