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Today is Jungkook's 21st birthday and you wanted to make this as special as possible.

"We could fly to Korea." Seokjin said pulling you from your thoughts.

You were currently at Yoongi and Jungkook's apartment trying to figure out something for his birthday this weekend.

"That would be an amazing idea if we could all afford it Jin." Taehyung pointed out.

"I know he misses home, he talks about Busan all of the time when we hang out. It's so cute. It's my dream to take him back to Korea before he turns 30." You admitted, sipping on your drink.

"You know, we may not be able to bring Jungkook to Busan, but what if-" Jimin began.

"What if we just decorated the market to look like Busan." Hoseok said and smiled proudly.

"So just fuck what I was about to say, huh? Like you just enjoy stealing my ideas don't you?" Jimin said annoyed with the fact that Hoseok stole his shine.

"You should've spoke quicker." Hoseok shrugged and grabbed another potato chip.

"Both of you are right though. The market closes early on Sundays. All we have to do is let his parents know what's up and we can set it up. I'm down if y'all are." You said holding your hand out.

"I'm also in!" Jimin and Hoseok exclaimed at the same time. Looking at each other in complete shock.

"Just date already, Jesus Christ. I'm in." Yoongi mumbled placing his hand on top of Jimin's.

"I can't date Chim, I only have heart eyes for you Yoongs." Hobi said leaning his head on Yoongi's shoulder.

"You guys are gross. I'm also in." Taehyung said putting his hand in.

"You know we're in." Namjoon said putting his hand in along with Seokjin.

"Well then let's do this!" You cheered throwing your hand up in the air.

"Jimin I'm home! Oh hey guys. Baby!" Jungkook threw his stuff down and ran over to you.

You stood up and smiled widely when he picked you up and held you in his arms, kissing you passionately.

"Hello handsome." You greeted him, leaning up to kiss him happily.

"When did you get here?" He asked rubbing his hands up and down your back.

"I just got here about five minutes ago actually. Jimin let me in." You lied and smiled at him.

You had to make sure to keep his surprise as much as a secret as you possibly could.

"Oh that's cool. Are you hungry? I could ask Jin to cook you something." He asked you.

"Or, you could cook it yourself. You know since she's your girlfriend and everything." Jin pointed out.

"Yeah, but you're a better cook than I am." He said pouting, moving over to where Seokjin sat laying his whole body on his.

"Awe Kook, just because you admit the obvious, I'm still not going to cook for you. Nice try though. You almost had me there for a second." Jin pushed him away and Jungkook groaned.

"Baby it's fine. I'm not that hungry anyway." You told him helping him up from the floor.

"But I am." He playfully whined kissing your cheek.

"Well then put some noodles in the microwave or something." You suggested while pushing him in the direction of the kitchen.

"You sound like my mom." He mumbled going into the cabinet.

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