Chapter 3

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Scene 10(In the past: After school/walking to Hiccup's house)

Future H - It was just another day of Heather and her friends bullying me....

*Heather and her friends was calling him names,throwing stuff at him, and pushing him*

Hiccup - Just leave me alone Heather

Heather - *mocking* just leave me alone Heather, quit being a crybaby

Toothless - Why can't you leave him alone

Ruffnut - You shut up

Hiccup - No, why can't you Heather was it that important to you to be popular

that you had to wreck our friendship, you're not a real friend if you do that,

or you're just doing this because you know that I am better than you

*Heather slaps Hiccup*

Toothless - Hey...

*Hiccup put his arm in front of Toothless*

Heather - Don't you ever talk to me like that again *walks away with Ruffnut and Tuffnut*

Tuffnut - You showed him

Toothless - You okay

Hiccup - Yeah *sniff* I just..... need to be alone for a while

Toothless - Alright see you tomorrow *walks away*

*Hiccup walks with a sad look on his face letting tears drop from his face for 3min until

he hear a noise in the alley on his right*

Hiccup - *wipes his face* Hello...*walks in the alley* hello

Astrid(cat) - meow

Hiccup - Ahhh, oh it just a cat, *bend down* you look hungry *goes to pick up

Astrid, but she backs away*

Hiccup - It's ok,It's ok I'm not gonna hurt you *putting his hand out, not going any further*

*Astrid slowing walks up to his hand out*

Astrid(mind) - I trust you *putting her paw in his hand*

Hiccup - It's ok *picking her up, walking out of the alley* I'm gonna help you

Scene 11(In the past: Hiccup's house)

Hiccup - Grandma

Valka - In the kitchen

*comes in*

Hiccup - I need your help with this cat

Valka - A cat? *turns and see the cat in his hands*, is it alright

Hiccup - Not really I found it in an alley, it looks hungry and I don't

know whether it a boy or girl

Valka - Give it here *he hand her Astrid* go get a bowl and milk from

the fridge

Hiccup - ok *goes do what he told*

*Valka check to see the cat gender*, *Hiccup came back with the milk and bowl*

Valka - It's a girl

Hiccup - Really

Valka - Yes *puts Astrid down and pour the milk in the bowl*

*Astrid drinks the milk*

Hiccup - Who would abandon such an adorable cat

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