Chapter Twelve

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I was thrown back to a time that was much simpler. Where no wars were being waged, and everybody had been living normally. I remember being in my mansion, my pets roaming around without care. I had insisted on getting a cat and dog, much to Leviathan’s chagrin. He had said that I was too young to take care of other living things, but I argued back until he finally agreed to let me adopt Mimi, my little kitten that was too curious for her own good. I was also able to get a dog, a husky that I named Pepper. Mimi was in my lap, Pepper somewhere by the indoor pool, while Leviathan sat in front of me, his hair a little longer at the time. It was so adorable curly, though I would have never told him that. He had been sitting in front of me, a book in his hand as he read a couple of questions out loud, waiting as I wrote my answer onto paper before he asked another one.
I had been about one thousand years old, learning about the history of Heaven. Leviathan seemed to be at ease, a small smile on his face as he watched me irritate my lips when I didn’t know an answer. He was so much more open back then, his eyes taking on a certain sheen whenever he looked at me.
And then it all changed. He started getting irritated easily over every little thing I did wrong. I mean, he apologized afterwards, but it was completely uncharacteristic for him to be so snappy. Then a few more years went by and he began closing himself off completely. His turquoise eyes, which used to be lit with amusement, was now dark and shielded, keeping me from knowing what was going on in his mind.
Then I heard about Adam starting the war, and how Leviathan was working with him. The pain I had felt had been unimaginable. It was like my heart had been completely ripped out of my chest, only to be dropped into a hungry den of lions. My idol was working with the one man who started this entire war. He was helping a man that had no remorse over the deaths of his own siblings...his own Father. I was completely heartbroken.
And yet...despite what the others said, he still saved me from Kyomini. He somehow found me and ended the torture she had been inflicting on me. Speaking of which...where was I? Was I dead? Was I now in the void, as my physical body withered away?
I scrunched up my nose, faintly feeling kind of lightheaded as I tried to listen to my surroundings. I could hear a machine beeping, which made me realize that I was in a hospital. I could hear the sound of something pushing air, my lungs inflating as the machine pumped air into my lungs. I could faintly feel something shoved down my throat and I began coughing, the heart monitor now going crazy as my heart raced.
Somebody? I can’t breathe! Get this thing out of my throat! Leviathan? Leviathan!
“You really think you can take me on? Lady, you only come up to my chest.” A male spoke, his tone clearly irritated as I heard another voice. A familiar voice that had my heart racing even more.
“Size doesn’t matter, asshole. I want to know how you found Sky, why you claim to be his brother, because let’s face it, you look nothing alike. Oh, and how about the fact that Sky was cut open like a pumpkin during Halloween?”
“Ok, one, just because we don’t look alike, doesn’t mean we’re not brothers. Two, you don’t need to know how I found him, and three, some bitch did this to him, not me. So back your chihuahua ass up.”
My heart continued to beat rapidly as I tried to get their attention. I guess it worked since I heard Leviathan cuss and rush over to me, his giant hands on my face as I heard Anabell call for a nurse.
“Sky, calm down. You’re alright.”
My heart calmed a little, but I could still feel the foreign object in my throat which was freaking me out. I then heard a nurse tell Leviathan to back up, and I let out a breath of relief as the tube was taken out of my throat, allowing me to breathe easier. I finally opened my eyes and saw both green and turquoise eyes staring at me in worry, causing me to give a small smile of reassurance. “Hey.” I said, coughing violently as I realized how dry and raw my throat was.
“Here, drink this.” Leviathan gently placed a cup of water against my lips, allowing the cool liquid to drip into my mouth. I drank thirstily, my throat soothed by the water, and when I was done Leviathan set the empty cup aside, staring at me with a undistinguishable look in his eyes.
“Sky, oh my god, you had me so worried! First I worry about my dad, and then you’re in the hospital next?! You jerk!” Anabell said, hugging me tightly until I gasped in pain, making her lighten her grip on me. “Don’t do that to me, ever again.”
I placed my arms around her, pulling her close. “I won’t. So,” I pulled away and looked at Leviathan, my heart heavy as we stared at each other, “what happened? Where am I?”
“You’re in the hospital, obviously,” the older man answered, making me frown.
“How did I get here?”
Leviathan sighed, and it was then that I noticed he had changed out of his outfit, now wearing a tight long sleeve black shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He rubbed his hands against his black skinny jeans and shrugged, glancing at Anabell from the corners of his eyes. “I caught word from someone that you were living down here. I went to your house and no one was there. Then someone told me they saw a woman take you, and so I followed. I’m glad I did, or else that bitch would have killed you.”
I could tell that he was bending the truth in order not to arouse suspicion from Anabell. Since she was human and didn’t know what we were, he was trying to make it seem like he found me naturally, instead of him teleporting, or finding me through Kyomini’s demonic aura. As much as I disliked lying, I couldn’t exactly say anything since Leviathan was doing it for all the right reasons.
Humans naturally wasn’t supposed to know about angels and demons, and anything in the worlds beyond. All they had were myths and beliefs that they turned into religion. They had no real proof of what was out there. So we had to keep our real identities from her, despite how much I wanted her to know.
I glanced at Leviathan, who shrugged, silently promising that he would tell me how he really found me, later on. When Anabell wasn’t around.”
“So, is this guy really your brother?” Anabell asked me, jerking a thumb in Leviathan’s direction, making the other man roll his eyes in irritation.
“The name is Levi, not “this guy” or “that guy”.”
“Oh boo-who, go cry to your mommy.”
“Sky, seriously, tell your chihuahua to calm down before I ground her.”
“Excuse me, I am not a dog-”
“You kind of act like one-”
“Why you ass-”
“Guys!” I finally yelled, making Leviathan and Anabell stop their bantering to look at me. I attempted to sit up, wincing when the stitches in my stomach pulled. Leviathan rushed to my side and helped me, making me send him a look of gratitude. “I don’t care about the stick up both your butts. Quit arguing with one another, please.” I looked at Anabell, watching as those emerald eyes of hers softened. “Yes, Anabell. Levi is my older brother.” Not blood related, but I was raised by him and saw him as one.
“Really? How come you never told me about him?” Anabell asked, furrowing her brow.
“Because he doesn’t have to tell you his life’s story.” Leviathan interrupted, making both Anabell and I glare at him. He held his hands up in defence and looked away innocently, making me grin slightly.
My grin faltered as I looked at Anabell, debating whether or not I should tell her the truth. The whole truth. The truth about who...what I really was. The truth about what was happening in Heaven, and why I was here. I wanted to tell her absolutely everything. But the look from Leviathan let me know that he knew what I was thinking, and he was silently telling me that exposing us would be a bad idea. So, I took a breath and spoke.
“I never told you about Levi...because no one ever asked, I guess.”
Anabell nodded slowly, glancing at Leviathan with disdain in her eyes. “Ok, um, I mean, you lived with me for half a year, you could have told me you had a brother. Anyway, I’m not going to hold it against you, since you’ve been through too much already. So, let me go pee real quick, and we can see if the staff is willing to let you come home or not. I’ll also tell you how Dad’s doing.”
She left and Leviathan glanced at me questionably, his eyebrow raised. “Home, huh? You’ve gotten quite cozy down here.”
I shrugged, folding my hands over my lap. “Well, I guess I’ve grown quite comfortable here. have you been?”
“Not too great, honestly.” Leviathan admitted, his eyes glazed over. “Everyone is going crazy in Heaven, and so many people have been put in the prisons. It’s not the same as it used to be, I’ll tell you that much.”
“So, why are you here? Why come find me after all this time?”
Leviathan leaned back in his seat, crossing his broad arms over his chest. “I was stuck. Adam was catching on to my intentions to help you, so he send his goonies after me. I’ve been jumping place to place in order to hide. Then I heard some demon talking about how the angel with the Sword was taken by Kyomini. I managed to sense her and here I am.”
I felt tears beginning to form in my eyes at the realization. So, he really wasn't working with Adam? I mean, if he were, why would Adam go after him? Unless Leviathan was lying to me. But...he looked so sincere, I highly doubted he was pulling my leg for his amusement. Not to mention, he wanted to help me. He had searched for me for half a year, while avoiding Adam’s forces. It was as if a weight had been lifted from my chest, a weight I had no idea was even there. And all I could manage was a smile of relief as Leviathan met my smile with one of his own, a warmth spreading to my heart. I finally had an ally. One who was on my side, who was helping me. It was the greatest relief in the world, to finally have someone on your side who didn’t want to hurt you, or kill you. I could only hope that this happiness I felt, didn’t get ruined anytime soon.

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