Chapter Thirty

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(Anabell's POV)

I should have known something was wrong when Sky didn't show up at school. He didn't even seem the type to miss an opportunity at learning something new. However...he didn't show up at school today. Not even Lucus. Was there something going on that I didn't know about? Did they have a doctor's appointment or something? Maybe a family emergency?

"Heloooooo. Earth to Anabell."

I scowled and looked up at my best friend Donna, whose green eyes were fixed on my face as she dipped her French fry into ranch. Ew. I sighed, flipping my hair over my shoulder and glancing down at the sandwich that sat on my plate, untouched thanks to my uneasiness. "Sorry," I apologized to the raven, "I just have a lot on my mind."

Donna raised an eyebrow, pursing her lips as she leaned towards me. "Girly problems?"

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, throwing the crumbs of my cookie at her, making her gasp and throw them back. I looked back down at my meal and pushed it aside, my appetite nonexistent. "Nah."

"Oh, is it a boy?" Donna asked, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

I shook my head and took a small sip of my drink before I set down the cup and looked at her. "Not really...ok...kinda. It's Sky. He hasn't shown up yet and I'm a little worried."

Donna smirked and leaned back in her seat, crossing her arms over her chest. "Awwww. Anabell has a crush!"

"Do not!" I protested, pouting at my best friend. "It's just, he always seems so happy to be coming to school, and now all of a sudden he's not here? It strikes me as odd."

Donna rolled her eyes and pushed her tray of food away from her, crossing her arms onto the table and looking at me with raised eyebrows. "Maybe he's sick?"

I sighed and crossed my legs. "Maybe. But that doesn't explain why Lucus isn't here either."

"Maybe he stayed home to take care of Sky. I dono about you, but he strikes me as the gay type."

I gasped, playfully punching Donna in the arm, making the older girl giggle and try to get away. "I happen to know for a fact that Lucus isn't gay. He's dated so many girls lately. I mean, just ask Kaya. She's dating him."

"He could have moved on. Besides, even I will have to admit that Sky's pretty damn hot."

I frowned, but didn't deny it. Sky was gorgeous, in my eyes. Long black hair, pale skin, such full lips and long lashes....and don't get me started on those blue eyes of his. He was skinny, but not overly so, and was so sweet that he put candy to shame. And...I won't deny it, I was starting to crush on him pretty hard. I couldn't help it, though. He was so sweet and shy, and it made me want to cuddle him. He wasn't obnoxious like most of the guys in my school, and he even had a small sense of humor. Put all of that in a package with his hotness, and it's like he's too good to be true. I looked back at Donna and shrugged, pulling out my sketchbook to draw.

"True, but that doesn't mean Lucus is gay. Maybe he had a doctor's appointment or something. I know Dad tries to get my brothers and I scheduled on the same day to save gas, so maybe that's what Katelynn and Allen did." I suggested, drawing a rough sketch of a human head.

Donna smiled and pointed at me with a French fry. "See? I told you that you were overreacting."

"You did not."

"But I insinuated it."

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Oh look at that! You know a big word! I am so proud of you, Ms. Donna Blake."

Donna smiled widely and daintily touched her cheek, her nails perfectly manicured and painted black. "The roses go on the front porch, Ana. And don't forget the chocolates!"

I chuckled and started drawing in the guidelines for the eyes, lips, and nose, making a small curved line at the top to indicate the hairline. "Do I ever forget the chocolates? I think not!" The bell rang, making me jump and accidentally mark the paper. I quickly erased the mistake and put my sketchbook into my book bag, hefting the thing over my shoulder and throwing my lunch away before I headed to the rest of my classes.

When I came home, it was awfully quiet, meaning my brothers were out terrorizing the neighborhood. I set my book bag onto the couch and made my way into the kitchen, seeing Dad sitting at the island with a stack of papers in his hands.

"Evening, Anabell. And how was school today?" He asked, glancing up at me with those warm chocolate eyes.

I shrugged, walking over to the fridge to grab out a can of soda. I popped the cap open and took a sip before I walked over to my father and sat down next to him, setting the soda onto the countertop. "Nothing much. Mrs. Labarge just lectured a couple of kids in my class for chucking this kid's phone out the window. Oh and for Theater class we have a play coming up."

Dad glanced up at me, and pushed his reading glasses down his nose. "Oh yea? What kind of play?" He asked, placing the papers next to his laptop.

"It's the Little Mermaid. I get to be one of the fishes in the sea. Sadly, Megan got the leading roll." That bitch only got the roll because she was a natural redhead. Plus our teacher seemed to have an unhealthy obsession with her that was borderline creepy. The school board really needed to step up their game when hiring teachers. Especially the male ones.

"Well that sucks. I think you would have made a perfect Ariel." Dad commented with a smile on his face.

I grinned at him and playfully punched his arm, making him grunt dramatically and press a hand to his heart. "That could be considered parent abuse."

I laughed and hugged his upper arm, making his features soften as he wrapped his arms around me. "Thanks Dad. But, I'm sure anyone would have made a better Ariel than Meagan."

"True that. I thought that she would have dropped out of school by now. Oh, give me a second." He pulled out his phone and answered the call, pressing it to his ear. He listened in for a couple of seconds, paling until he abruptly hung up and jumped out of his seat.

Confused, I followed him over to the front door, watching as he tore a jacket from the rack and ripped it on. "Dad...what's going on?" I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as Dad gave me a heart-wrenching look, worry lines prominent on his forehead. What he said next had all the air in my lungs escape, my heart coming to a stop as dread pooled in my stomach.

"Allen was found dead in his house this morning, Lucus and Katelynn nowhere to be seen. Two other people were found dead alongside Allen, and I think they're the ones that killed him. Sky is injured badly and is in the hospital right now."

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