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     Dinner went by slow, I nearly fell asleep on Luke's shoulder. I couldn't bare to look at Tracey. After about an hour she finally talked and stopped clenching her face.

   "Ready?" Luke finally said while looking at me.

    "Yes." I said looking away feeling guilty whether I should tell him about Tracey or not.

   "You guys leaving already?" Pete said while wiping his hands on a napkin. "Well let me walk y'all out." Luke turned around and let Pete catch up.

   "It was fun thanks for inviting us." I said while looking at Pete's black Nike's.

   "No problem alright I'll see yah man." Pete extended his right arm, the same hand that was massaging between Tracey's legs. When Luke reached out to shake his hand I jumped between them.

   "Haha monkeys huh!" I yelled the first thing that came to mind. Luke looked down at me confused.

   "What?" Pete said putting his hands in his pockets.

   "Monkeys like...are just..haha....let's go Luke." I grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the restaurant.

    "Woah babe if you want to get me alone just say so." He grabbed my arm, spun my around and pulled me into a hug.

   I giggled. "I  just couldn't wait!" I lied. He lifted my chin and kissed me softly. I closed my eyes and let my body relax into his arms.

    After we arrived at Luke's apartment I went face first on the bed. "Ugghhhh!" I groaned from the thought of Tracey.

   "Babbeeeee what's wrong!" Luke yelled from the kitchen.

   I jumped up and sat down on the bed normal. I looked down at my ankle noticing the swelling going down and the masterpiece of colors were being washed away.

   "I'm just disgusted." I said while swinging my feet against the bed making a constant banging noise against the wood.

    Luke appears in the room and I look up from my ankle to look at him.

    "Baby you look so sad!" He said walking over to me moving my hair out of my face.

    "I'm not sad, I'm ....I'm....grossed out!" I said while giving a little hop at the word "grossed".

    "Why?" Luke suddenly got confused which made me confused on why he got confused...oh my that was confusing.

   "Just dinner I saw something horrifying." I dropped my head into my hands.

   "What did you see?" He said sitting down next to me.

    "I just saw a sexual act happening....well I think it was sexual I don't really know." I said now unsure about what happened was actually normal or not.

   "Was it cause how I touched you?" He asked making his blue crystal eyes bigger.

   "No of course not!" I said now confused if how he touched me was considered inappropriate.

     "Good." He wiped pretend sweat off his forehead.               

       I turned my body so I was facing him. I looked at his smooth skin, perfect hair, beautiful eyes, small thin pink lips. I leaned in and kissed him slowly. He reached his arm out and touched my neck, I jumped. His thumb rubbed on my jaw bone as he kissed me harder.

    Before Luke can rip one of my favorite shirts and throw my cowboy boots against the wall, someone knocked very hard on the door startling us.

   "I'll get it." Luke said jogging to the door shirtless. I stood up and peeked my head out of the bedroom to see what's going on.

   Luke swung open the door but covered the person so I couldn't see.

   "What's the matter." Luke said standing next to the door gesturing the person to enter.

   "You are always shirtless aren't you Luke." My jaw dropped to the ground when I saw Tracey walk in casually, like it was her runway during a fashion show.

    "What's up." Luke said shutting the door after she finally entered.

    I watched her stroll around the little space between the kitchen and the living room in her pink 6 inch pumps. A pink bra stood out of her tight white super small T-shirt.

   "Well Noah said he would like to be alone and I have no where else to go." She said after she finally stopped walking slowly in a circle. "I mean you are alone aren't you, you and I can cuddle together like the old days." Her smile was just disgusting and pervert like.

    "Wellllll.... See I kinda..."

    "Great!" Tracey said while interrupting Luke, she threw her purse on the couch and began to unbutton her tight short shorts. My eyes grew big.

   "What is this?" I whispered.

    "Tracey no you are not getting it." Luke took a step back.

    She stepped down from her heels and walked towards Luke with her pants half open. "Luke I been wanting you for so long, how long has it been?" Luke walked past her towards the bedroom, I quickly limped back on top of the bed and began looking at my short nails.

    Luke appeared in the bedroom and quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me up.

    "Tracey is not related to me and we used to be together." Luke said very fast he lost his breath.

    "Oh that makes sense, well I saw her getting touched around ...you know" I said while waving my hand around where my button was located on my pants. "By Pete and Noah." I said quickly feeling so relieved.

    Luke's eyes nearly popped out of his head. "Woah!" He said. He turned around and walked back to where Tracey was located.

   "Luke listen." I stood up and peeked my head out again to watch them.

     Tracey was now pinning him against the wall. "Though I would love to fuck you right now I gotta be loyal to Noah." She said walking away from him and to the kitchen.

    "Are you sure that you have been that loyal." Luke said following her but keeping his distance.

    "Yes Luke I'm sure." She said while buttoning her pants back.

     I stepped out of the bedroom. "What is this? How did this happen? How are you guys not related? My gosh this is so confusing!" I said placing my hands on my face.

   "Look babe I'll explain it to you." Tracey said calmly. "Me and Luke had class together during  my freshman year of college and it was Luke's sophomore year.....

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