Dirty Dallas 16

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I woke up and felt heat from the sun beam down on my face. I slowly opened my eyes fighting the sunlight in letting me see. I sat up, hearing silence all around me, silence that i have heard many times when i was left home alone and my dad was outside in the stables. My eyes began to look around, i noticed i was alone, all that laid next to me was a dented pillow from Luke's head. I step out of bed and tip toe my way around the apartment. Nothing. Nobody was in sight. I didnt waste my time yelling around for him because i knew he was already gone. When i went back to the bedroom i slowly put on black shorts and a red shirt over my grey tank top.

        "okay what can i eat for breakfast." I opened his white medium sized refridgerator and bent down to look inside. I came across cheese, more cheese, bread and musturd. "Well there has to be a diner around here some where." I grabbed my jacket and five dollars i found in one of Luke's pants, then left to go find a diner.

        "Okay a Cafe' sounds good." I walked into a small building that read "CAFE'" on the door. When i stepped inside i was immediately hit with the aroma of fresh ground coffee and cinamonn muffins.

        "Hello dear what can i do for you?" A tan girl said standing behind a counter filled with muffins.

        "Well can i have a apple muffin... how much are they?"

        "They are a dollar each." She smiled at me very softy.

        "Oh sweet well can i have four then." I smiled handing her a crumbled up five dollar bill. I figured i would buy Luke two because it is his money. Oh and give him back a dollar.

        The muffins were warm against the palms of my hands as i carried them back to the apartment in a brown box. I noticed on my way inside that Luke's truck was parked in the parking lot. "Yay i hope he likes apples."

        I open the door and hear nothing but silence once again. I place the muffins on the counter with the dollar bill next to it and began walking to the bedroom.

        "Luke." I step inside the bedroom to see him sitting at the edge of the bed with his elbows on his knees with his head in his hands.        

        "oh my gosh." Luke looked up at me and gave me a sad smile. "I thought you were gone." He put his head back in his hands.

        "Well that kind of sounded like you wanted to me be gone." I said softly, turning around to walk back to the kitchen. i walked to the door, opened it and slamned it so he would think i left but i actually sat down behind the kitchen counter and scarfed down two muffins.

        After thirty minutes of me sitting behind the counter i began to think...doesn't the guy go after the girl by now or is everything he said a lie. I was startled by his phone that started to ring and vibrate violently.

        "Hey whats up Pete." His voice was low and deep like he just woke up. "Nah man soccer practice ain't till 6:00." I could hear Luke's voice getting closer and closer to the kitchen. "Shit man you need to like keep your chick under control she keeps coming by." Luke was now walking around the kitchen counter, i laid down into a ball i could see his sock covered feet standing right at the entrance to the kitchen which was right in my direction. "I'll call you back dude." Luke placed his phone on the counter and walked closer and closer till his feet were right in my face.

        I quickly sat up. "Why don't you just step on me, cause you were pretty close." He just stared down at me with a blank face. "Ugh why did i come here." i awkwardly stood up and tried to walk past him but he grabbed my arm. He pulled me so i was in front of him. "Well what do you want." I said rolling my eyes at him many times, just in case he didnt notice the first couple of times.

        "You." He kissed me, he kissed me soft then rough, then stuck his tounge in my mouth making me get all tense.

        I pushed him away. "You are just using me like Sarah, is my time up, are you over me already?" I asked.

        "See i knew you would believe her." He turned around to walk away but i grabbed his arm.

        "You don't even fight for me Luke, i seen the movies i know what you are supposed to do when what just happened happens." I crossed my arm over my chest. "You don't chase me or reassure me what that chick said wasn't true."

        "I don't know how Delaney, i don't know how to fight for you. I just always thought what you think you think i cant change anyone's mind."

        "Well you need practice, did you or did you not let that girl touch your thingy?" I pointed at his crotch area that was covered in black shorts that go to the middle of his knee caps.

        "I did not." He said crossing his arms smirking.

        "Okay did you or did you not ...kiss her?" I said knowing the answer.

        "Yes i did." His smirk faded.

        "How many girls did you have sex with Luke?" I lowered my voice, looking up at his blue eyes.

        "I have had sex with thirty women." My eyes grew big.

        "Thirtyy? LUKE THIRTY!" I dropped my arms to my side and kept whispering to myself "thirty...thirty." I turned around to walk to the bedroom while continuing to whisper "thirty".

        Luke grabbed my waist and spun me around startling me.

        "Clumsy I'm kidding they were two but i dated them for at least two years." I suddenly got happy and hugged him tightly. "Wanna make it three?" He whispered in my ear. I laughed thinking he was joking but he picked me up and carried me like a baby to the bed

        He threw me down on the bed and stared down at me. He took off his blue shirt then climbed ontop of me.       

        "Luke i never... like done this before." I said as he kissed my neck, gently kissing the medium sized scar from the seat belt.
       "It's okay baby." he looked up at me and stared into my eyes. His blue eyes made me want to swim in them, feel cool water on my skin my hair flowing in slow motion through the water. His face, clear, less pale then mine, perfect brown hair combed like a model, buzzed short on the sides and at least 2 inches worth of hair on top, he decided to cut his hair this way before he came to Alabama and I really liked it. "Do you want to?" I stared deeper into his eyes, this is what i want.

        I nodded and wrapped my fingers in his hair as he began to kiss my neck and chest.

        "I'm sorry, you are right i should of chased you." He stopped kissing me and looked up at me. "I'm sorry." He rolled over beside me and crawled up so his head was next to mine.

        "Yes Luke you should of." I turned my body to face him. "I love you." I said. I balled up bringing my knees to my chest and cuddled up next to him as he hugged me putting his chin on my head.

        "I love you more and i couldnt even see it till now." He whispered.

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