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On the walk back to Luke's apartment he began to talk about the beauty of "make-up sex". I wasn't sure what that is but it sounds like something no girl can say no to. I was confused why I freaked out like that, I didn't understand why maybe it was jealousy.

   "So baby, I was going to tell you that we are having dinner with Gabby tomorrow."

   "Oh, who is Gabby again?" I asked remember the horrifying event of her seeing me naked running behind the door.

   "Shes my godmother."

   "I was wondering why you said mom." I said remembering how his mother was away with my dad because he had to be medically treated.

   "I call her mom to people but to her she's Gabby, I bet my mom sent her out here to check on me." I suddenly put together the pieces she saw me naked she's going to tell LUKES MOM THEN IT WILL BE SPREADED TO MY DA...

   "Hey!" I looked straight ahead to see Pete in jogging gear with not one drop of salty sweat on his body, not even armpit sweat.

  "Hey." Luke said while reaching a hand to shake Pete's hand.

   "I see she's back, not that she probably went far, you got yourself a runner Luke." Pete giggled and I could find the humor in his long sentence.

   "She didn't go far and speaking of running why aren't you doing it?" Luke said while beginning to walk passed him.

   "Well hey Luke just give me a call if you wanna go running together." Pete yelled to Luke's back.

   We finally reached the apartment and I was so tired I walked straight to the bedroom and threw myself on the bed. "Oh my how I missed this bed." I said moving my arms and legs like I was making an angel in the snow.

   "Oh how I missed you laying on it." Luke slowly lifted his shirt over his head revealing his marvelous body. I propped my body up on my elbows. "Clumsy, why you gotta be so difficult?" He asked me while sliding down his pants and standing before me in just tight long boxers.

   "I don't know I ask myself that all the time Luke." I said while biting my bottom lip.

   "You are everything I ever wanted and you were gonna leave me." He slowly began to crawl on the bed towards me. I squarmed with excitement.

   "I'm sorry." I smiled at his smirk and began to dance around as he came closer.

   "You just gotta pay me back." He said, I giggled and threw my head back which I forget there was a wooden piece that's connected to the bed whiched looked like a sun in the horizon.

  "Ahh!" I yelled quickly grabbing the back of my head.

   "Shit, how did you do that." Luke stopped crawling slowly and came up to me and sat on my lap, I accepted the pressure.

   "I don't know." He moved my hand and peeked at the spot where I banged my head.

   "My gosh you are so clumsy!" He said, I could tell he wanted to laugh.

   "Luke.." I said not sure what I was feeling.

   "Yes.." He looked back at me and stared at my emerald eyes.

   "I want you." I said staring at his blue eyes, I stared so deep I could almost see his soul, his weekness. "Baby Luke, my first love." I grabbed his face with my thin pale hands.

   "Delaney." My name rolled off his tongue so sexy I almost died. I watched his face squarm his eyes blink slowly while gently transitioning to green, I knew he wanted me I knew he loved me. "Don't ever doubt me or leave me again." He said softly, I could see his eyes burn with desire and fight salty tears crying to crawl out.

   "Never." I slowly kissed him, and closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck. He smoothed his hands to my lower back and hugged me. Without removing his lips off me he rolled over and put me on his lap and his back leaned against the bed sun rise thingy. I sat on his lap feeling his crotch on mine. "Luke." I said in between kisses.

   "Shhhh." He said lowering his hands to my butt.

   "Will you marry me in the future?" I asked. He parted his lips from mine.

    I was worried what he would say. "Fuck yes." I smiled and let my head fall back as I began to laugh.

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